Some 128 establishment news outlets are coordinating an attack against President Trump that is scheduled to launch on August 16.
While the media have undoubtedly been coordinating against Trump ever since he announced his candidacy (after all, there is a reason every news outlet reports on the exact same stories using the exact same left-wing narrative), this is the first time I am aware of where the media have openlyand proudly coordinated to attack Trump.
This coming attack is premised on the entitled belief within the establishment media that the First Amendment protects the media from criticism, and that the First Amendment restricts a sitting president from criticizing the media.
How else to explain 128 (and counting) news outlets coordinating to attack the president for daring to criticize the media for launching coordinated attacks against him.
The event is being organized by the far-left Boston Globe.
Basically, on August 16, some 128 strongly worded op-eds will run to mislead readers into believing criticism of the media is “unacceptable” and an “attack on the First Amendment.”
Over the weekend, Brian Stelter, a CNN staffer who regularly spreads conspiracy theories, accidentally pointed out just how bad of an idea this is.
Back in March, Stelter blasted the Sinclair Broadcast Group after its local television affiliates broadcast a rather anodyne editorial against “fake news.”
While everyone understands why Stelter, who has made a cottage industryof spreading fake news, would be outraged against anyone who speaks up against his cottage industry, he still spent days savaging Sinclair for pressuring its local affiliates to be on the same page editorially.
This week, however, Stelter is all in favor of big media companies pressuring local newspapers to be on the same page editorially. He describes this upcoming attack against the president as “another example of unity across the news business.”
In other words, when news outlets show “unity” against “fake news,” Stelter freaks out, but when news outlets show unity in a coordinated attack against Trump, Stelter cheers.
Stelter, obviously, is not alone.
Almost all of the media establishment are cheering n this coordinated attack … an attack that is somehow meant to convince the American people that…
1) The media are protected from criticism by the Constitution.
2) The objective and unbiased media remain unbiased and objective, even while launching an unbiased and objective attack against the president, all in an effort to bully the president into ceasing his criticisms of their unbiased and objective attacks against him.
3) The media are not the “opposition party” who do things like coordinate attacks against the president.
4) That the Constitution protects the media — who relentlessly describe Trump as a “Nazi,” “racist,” “unbalanced,” “un-American,” a “dictator, and a unique danger to America — from any pushback from Trump. The Constitution requires him to lay down and take it.
5) Although the media believe criticism of the media is un-Constitutional, when a Democrat president like Obama uses the American intelligence agency to literally spy on journalists and their parents, that does not rise to the level of a Constitutional crisis, nor is it the type of thing that requires 128 outraged editorials.
Democrats sure got it good.
The bottom line is that this coordinated attack coming from all corners of the establishment media only serves to validate the criticism coming from Trump and other media critics; because what we have here is the gajillionth example of a thin-skinned media who love to make themselves the story and who are all working together to destroy Trump over fabricated nonsense.
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