FBI Investigation Of Clinton Was Phony, FBI Tying To Frame Trump


Former FBI Assistant Director: FBI Investigation Of Clinton Was Phony; FBI Trying To Frame Trump; Obama Was Involved


James Kallstrom is a former FBI Assistant Director, who worked at the bureau for 27 years. Kallstrom headed the FBI New York Division. He was a supervising agent in the New York investigation of the Cosa Nostra criminal network that resulted in the Mafia Commission Trial of 1985–1986 under the RICO act. His investigation and the trial that followed is considered the most significant assault on the infrastructure of organized crime since the high command of the Chicago Mafia was swept away in 1943. He also led the investigation into the 1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800. 

Kallstrom was one of the FBI’s leading experts in wiretapping and surveillance. After the 9/11 terror attack, Kallstrom was tapped to lead New York State’s public safety office.

As a former top FBI official, Kallstrom has many sources inside the bureau that speak to him. In an incredible interview this morning with Maria Bartiromo onSunday Morning Futures, Kallstrom told Maria Bartiromo,

  • That people at the FBI are happy that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is gone.
  • That the rank and file are gnawing at the bit to conduct a real investigation, not phony investigations like the ones under Comey.
  • That the investigation into Hillary Clinton was a fraud.
  • That the FBI and DOJ had a back-up plan to attack Trump, framing him as a Russian agent.
  • That McCabe’s admission that he was authorized to leak information proved that Comey committed perjury before Congress.
  • That former CIA Director John Brennan was involved in leaking and other corruption.
  • That the conspiracy to fraudulently exonerate Clinton and to make up the phony Trump/ Russia collusion scheme went all the way to the top, Obama.
  • That General Michael Flynn was framed.
  • That the Obama administration violated federal law and committed felonies by unmasking NSA intercepts of America citizens.
  • That former Attorney General Loretta Lynch led the fraudulent activity.
  • That Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the Special Counsel statute in two ways when he appointed Robert Mueller. First, he never named crimes that led to the appointment, and two, Mueller was conflicted because of his relationships with witnesses in the investigation.
  • That Rosenstein should be removed from his position as Deputy Attorney General, as he signed a FISA warrant request knowing that it was fraudulent.

Here are a few of Kallstrom’s statements. Concerning President Trump having to deal with the Mueller investigation, Kallstrom said,

“This whole thing is a total phony. How would you feel if someone had a phony scheme about you go on for months and months and months?”

Concerning Comey’s exoneration of Clinton, Kallstrom said,

“High-ranking people throughout the government had a plot to not have Hillary Clinton indicted so that she could remain the flawed candidate that she was.”

When asked about Comey’s involvement, Kallstrom said he believed everything was coordinated between Comey, McCabe, the State Department, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes and CIA Director John Brennan,

“Jim Comey is not a stupid individual. I think he’s naive and has an ego the size of the Empire State Building, and he has a lot of other faults, that got him into this trouble. But I could be wrong, they could have been in lockstep. But there is no question that he, and McCabe others in the FBI, and we’ll find out the State Department, and the national security advisors to the president and the deputy national security Advisor, and John Brennan. Did you see John Brennan’s remarks (referring to his tweet about President Trump)?”

Kallstrom went on to say the corruption went all the “way to the top” to Obama ,

“The animus and the malice against Trump is prima facie exposure of how he felt about Trump before the election. My sources tell me Brennan was leaking almost weekly or daily, and he was taking that bunch of phony crap supposedly from Russia, and peddling that through the Congress and the media, he was one of the active people. I’ve known him a long time and I think he’s involved, and quite frankly, I think it goes right to the top, quite frankly, Maria.”

Bartiromo asked,

“You mean President Obama?”

Kallstrom answered,

“It goes right to the top, and it involves that whole strategy. They were going to win [the 2016 election], nobody would ever know this stuff, and they just unleashed the intelligence community. Look at the unmaskings? We haven’t even heard about that yet. Look at the way they violated the rights of these American citizens? I hope General Flynn sues a lot of people, because he was handled so bad. He didn’t lie to the FBI. They didn’t even interview him about a crime. They are the people who committed felonies, not the General.”

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI5QXTYI9wE

Interview with James Kalstrom by Maria Bartiromo on the firing of Andrew McCabe and on the investigations. From the Fox News Channel 3/18/2018

Kallstrom spells it all out, from McCabe, to Comey, to Brennan, to Lynch, to Rice, to Obama. This whole thing is undoubtedly the one of the worst scandals in the history of the United States and certainly the worst in our life time.


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