Biden Voter Fraud – 7 Articals

How to Steal an Election

By David Keltz

President Donald Trump had every right to call this entire process a complete sham, as he described it from the East Room of the White House, early Wednesday morning after Election Night. “This is a fraud on the American public, this is an embarrassment on the American country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election.”

On election night, Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by roughly 690,000 votes with 64 percent of the vote counted, before his lead disappeared on Friday. In Michigan, Trump was winning by nearly 300,000 votes, with 65 percent of the votes recorded, before he ended up losing the state on Wednesday. In Georgia, Trump was ahead by 117,000 votes with 92 percent of the votes counted, before Biden pulled ahead on Friday. In Wisconsin, Trump was also ahead by 107,000 votes with 81 percent of the votes counted, before that was somehow called for Biden on Wednesday. Why did those states suddenly stop reporting the votes for several hours, and how is it possible that virtually all of the new votes that were tabulated went to Biden?

Many in the media have tried to justify the late Biden surge by perpetuating the false narrative that mail-in ballots were counted after in-person voting. That is simply incorrect. Even CNN reported that many mail-in ballots were in fact counted before election day. It is also incorrect to say that only Biden supporters voted by mail. For instance, at the Villages in Sumter County, Florida, where Trump has a lot of supporters, 59 percent voted for Trump by mail-in and absentee prior to the election.

Nearly 64 million mail-in votes were turned in before election day (out of the 92 million that were requested), and at least 101 million people voted before the election. With Biden totaling roughly 77 million votes, and Trump totaling around 72 million votes (as of this writing). That means there were roughly 48 million votes outstanding on and after election day. It is not yet clear how many of those were mail-in votes, or what percentage of those votes went to Trump compared to Biden, but that is an important number to keep track of since there seems to be a never-ending trail of mail-in votes that favor Biden by proportions that do not seem statistically possible.

Consider these facts. In Pennsylvania 2.8 million mail-in ballots were requested. Politico reported that as of November 3rd, Pennsylvania had received more than 2.5 million mail-in and absentee ballots, or 81 percent of those who had requested a ballot. More than 1.6 million of those ballots were from registered Democrats, while 586,000 were from Republicans. Yet the article also noted that 84 percent of registered Democrats who were sent mail-in or absentee ballots returned them, compared with only 74 percent of Republicans. How does one explain this discrepancy? What happened to the other 10 percent of Republicans who received their mail-in ballots?

What also remains unclear is where all these outstanding mail-in votes are coming from after election day, and whether they have been properly postmarked, so that they can be properly segregated. Curiously, most of these mail-in dumps seem to all be going to Biden. As Nate Silver reported, 23,777 batches of votes were found in Philadelphia, all for Biden, and of the roughly 5,300 votes in Trump-friendly Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of them went to Biden. These instances cannot simply be ignored or explained away as “the process working.”

In Michigan 3.4 million voters requested absentee, or mail-in votes, 41 percent of whom were Republicans, while only 39 percent were Democrats. This further dispels the myth that only Democrats voted by mail. Also, consider that in Michigan at 5:04 A.M., Biden appeared to have received an additional 138,000 votes, while Trump received exactly zero votes. The Decision Desk HQ, which first reported the numbers, later said that it was a typo from one county in Shiawassee, and then retracted the numbers. There is no evidence that it was a typo (to this writer’s knowledge) or that the 138,000 votes were retracted. In fact, after the AP called Michigan for Biden, the Michigan Bureau of Election website still had Trump listed as the winner. Why was there a discrepancy between what the AP was reporting and what Michigan’s own bureau was reporting?

When the final vote tally in Michigan was completed, Biden wound up winning with 2,790,648 votes, while Trump wound up with 2,644,525 votes. Biden Somehow managed to win an additional 659,953 votes, or 59 percent of the remaining vote, while Trump only managed to win 443,623. It seems suspicious that Biden was able to pull off that many votes that late in the game, in counties where Trump did well in 2016.

In Wisconsin there were also irregularities. Absentee ballots were sent out beginning in September and were supposed to be returned by November 3rd. On election day, Wisconsin reported that 192,483, absentee or mail-in ballots were returned. Yet mail-in votes were still being counted as of November 6th, with an additional 32,676 absentee votes still being counted three days after election day. Why were those votes still being counted? Other irregularities in Wisconsin included Milwaukee, where 346,332 absentee ballots were supposedly requested, 345,871 absentee ballots were sent out, and 325,587 were returned. That means, a whopping 94 percent of mail-in ballots were sent in to be counted. That number seems remarkably high, and unlikely.

Other elements of potential corruption or fraud include the vote counters. Why do so many of the counters in Philadelphia, and Detroit appear to be wearing masks that say, “vote,” or in some cases “Biden/Harris.” Meanwhile photos of ballot counters with an American flag on them, were nowhere to be found. In Detroit, there were photos of poll counters gleefully checking the election results on their cell phones as the election somehow tipped into Biden’s favor. There were also instances of poll counters cheering when Republicans were removed from watching the counting, and there was a video of poster boards being used to cover up the windows of the vote counting room. To say that these poll counters have displayed anything resembling impartiality would be a gross understatement.

To make matters worse, anyone who questions the legitimacy of the election is effectively being silenced by the Mainstream Media and Big Tech. We live in a post-truth world where these powerful entities determine what is true and what is false. They do not need to offer any evidence, or proof to explain why a factual statement is false. Their view stands, simply  because they said so. Any opposing view (in some cases it’s a statement of fact) that they disagree with is considered a conspiracy and will be labeled as “false,” or “misinformation,” and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

We are told by Democrat politicians that we must trust the electoral process, even as they falsely declare Joe Biden the winner. During her weekly press conference on Friday, Nancy Pelosi referred to Joe Biden as the “president-elect,” even though not a single state has declared Joe Biden the winner.  During another press conference in Philadelphia on Friday, Lisa Deeley, the chairwoman of the County Board of Election, kept reassuring us that with more than 40,000 votes still to be counted in Pennsylvania, the counting was being done in good faith. Yet, when she was asked how many mail-in votes had arrived after election day and were being segregated from votes that were being counted, she was unable to come up with a number, or even an estimate. Perhaps most egregiously of all, just moments after we were told to trust the process in Pennsylvania, the mayor of Philadelphia, Jim Kenney said that Trump should, “Put his big boy pants on,” and “acknowledge the fact that he lost.”

Every American has the right to know how many ballots were mailed out prior to election day, and how many were returned before and after the polls were supposed to have closed. President Trump has every right to use the full legal process to try to remedy this sham of an election that is being stolen from him and the roughly 72 million people who voted for him. Every legal vote must be counted, and every illegal vote must be thrown out. This could drag on for weeks or months, but our democracy is worth defending.

November 12, 2020

When computers cheat, they inevitably leave evidence behind

By Andrea Widburg

You should learn three main things from this post: (1) the Supreme Court can consider statistical evidence of fraud and can order a new election.  (2) Most of the computers used for voting in America have a built-in mechanism that allows votes to be weighted in favor of a candidate.  (3) If someone does tell a computer to mess with the election outcome, the computer’s processes will inevitably create unnatural data trails that prove human intervention in vote counts — and that’s what happened in three Michigan counties.

The Supreme Court

Alexander Macris found Donohue v. Board of Elections of State of New York, 435 F.Supp. 957 (E.D.N.Y. 1976), a case with close parallels to 2020’s election.  After President Ford lost in 1976, Republican voters sued New York, alleging that systematic fraud deprived them of their voting rights.  The district court allowed the suit and stated the following legal test: (1) plaintiffs had to prove specific acts of misconduct that (2) involved “willful or knowing” ballot fraud (3) by state officials or private persons acting jointly with state officials that (4) changed the outcome of the election.

The court held that the plaintiffs could introduce expert opinions and statistical analyses showing that voting patterns markedly deviated from the predictable uniformity to be found in random samples from elections counts that were honest.  If the plaintiffs, won, said the court, they could get an order requiring a new presidential election.  Any other outcome would fail to protect election integrity (especially in presidential elections) that is “essential to a free and democratic society.”

Donohue plaintiffs were unable to meet the legal test because they did not introduce sufficient evidence showing that fraud changed the outcome.  However, there’s an unending flow of evidence in this year’s election, both witness testimony and data evidence, showing fraud sufficient to change the election’s outcome in the contested states.

Vote-counting machine irregularities

Some of the statistical data Trump needs can be found in the video at the bottom of this post.  In it, Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D., a multi-credentialed MIT grad whom leftists despise, works with Bennie Smith, a software engineer, election commissioner, and data analyst, and Phil Evans, an inventor, engineer, and data analyst, to show massive voting machine fraud in three Michigan counties.

Ayyadurai leads with some fundamentals.

First, most vote tabulation using computers is fraught with ambiguity and the potential for error.  As we’ve learned, the ballots going into the system can be fraudulent (dead voters, fake voters, faked ballots, etc.).  Democrat-run states increase the potential for fraud with mass mail-in voting, prohibitions against voter ID, and a failure to check signatures.

Second, we don’t know what goes on inside the computers.  The computers work by taking a snapshot of each ballot and then working off the snapshot.  By law, these snapshots must be saved for 22 months, but Democrat-run counties and states tend to delete them immediately.

Third, we don’t have evidence tying voters to the ballots fed into the computers, since voters leave empty-handed.  Moreover, if voters enter data on the computer screen and then hand a printout to a poll worker, although voters can see accurate words on that printout, they have no idea if the coding that the computer reads is accurate.

Fourth, almost all voting machines (including Dominion’s) are intentionally programmed with something called a “weighted race feature.”  This allows the computer to add a multiplier to a candidate’s actual votes.  For example, the machine could automatically multiply every Biden vote by some number over one.

In the video, Ayyardurai carefully demonstrates that in Oakland, Macomb, and Kent counties, the machines were set to systematically take votes away from Trump and hand those same votes to Biden.  The outlier was Wayne County, a heavily Democrat, minority county.  Not only did the machine not steal Trump’s votes, but the data also showed that Trump overperformed in this county (although not enough to win in it).

Intriguingly, the more heavily Republican a precinct was, the more votes the machine stole from Trump and gave to Biden, creating a beautifully sloping line on the graph that could never have occurred naturally.  If you know how to read them, machines are rotten liars.

It’s noteworthy how unambiguous the data are.  For just three of the four counties analyzed, the analysis showed that Trump’s margin was reduced by a minimum of 138,000 votes.  Now imagine if this vote theft occurred in Michigan’s other 80 counties.

And keep in mind that Michigan is one of the states that allegedly passed thousands of fraudulent ballots into those voting machines.  (See herehere, and here for examples.)  When you consider that Biden allegedly “won” by less than 3%, the combination of voting machine manipulation and illegal votes means Trump is right — he probably won Michigan handily:

Examining the code, internet geeks conclude ‘Trump’s win was huge’

By Nick Chase

Around 1:30 in the morning of Nov. 4, when I went to bed, Trump was leading in the vote count in two Midwest swing states I was closely watching, Wisconsin — about 2%, and Michigan — about 3%, well on his way to an “unexpected” election victory nationwide.

Around 4:30 A.M., I woke early and decided to catch up on the election results on my iPhone, being careful not to wake my wife.  Imagine my surprise to see that, overnight, Trump’s lead had shrunk to less than 1% in Wisconsin and about 1.5% in Michigan.  But what really startled me was that Biden’s raw vote total had increased substantially in both states, and Trump’s raw vote total had not changed at all!

That is an enormous red flag for fraud being committed, and I knew right away that the Democrats, who had failed at dislodging Trump from office by impeachment, were now going to deny him victory by stealing the election.  Further confirmation came when I saw the pictures and video of mystery bags and boxes being dragged into Detroit’s TCF Center at 4 A.M., followed by the windows in the room being boarded up and by the ejection of Republican poll-watchers.

Well, the election theft appears to be complete, with the corrupt media declaring Biden president-elect, and lefties dancing in the streets (unmasked!) with joy.

So I asked myself, by how much did Trump actually win this election if the fraudulent votes are not included?

Fortunately, the internet geeks have been busy massaging the election data for statistical anomalies, and today (Nov. 11), I got my answer (partly) from information posted via The Gateway Pundit by blogger “PedeInspector” (whom I will refer to as “Pede”).

Perhaps you saw the video of a network Election Night broadcast made by a person (not identified), also posted on The Gateway Pundit, which showed a sudden switch of votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania the night of Nov. 3.  I took two screen shots from that video.  Before the switch:


You can see that, almost instantly, 19,958 votes were stolen from Trump, and 19,958 votes were added to Biden’s total.  The timestamp on the video (not shown in my pictures) is 10:23 P.M. (CST).

Well, this video also intrigued “Pede,” and he (or she) went to work.  Pennsylvania uses Dominion voting systems, which forward their data to Edison Research, which then Javascript-encodes it and sends it on to the New York Times and the networks.  So “Pede” downloaded the Edison data for Pennsylvania from the New York Times at this address and analyzed it to locate all similar vote switches, as well as for votes that just went missing.  (Although I’ve given you the link, I wouldn’t bother opening it, because it’s just a big pile of Javascript code that’s incomprehensible to the naked eye unless you know your Javascript.)  In the Javascript code, “Pede” located the specific code that changed the voting percentages for Trump and Biden:

Even if you’re not a computer programmer, you can still see that the code changed the percentages shown in my pictures from Trump 56.6%, Biden 42.0% to Trump 56.0%, Biden 42.6%.  (The code that caused the switch of 19,958 votes is buried elsewhere in the Javascript code.  The “votes” shown are total votes cast, including for minor parties, and are not useful information here.)  The timestamp on these events is Nov. 4, 4:07 A.M. GMT (10:07 P.M. CST Nov. 3) and Nov. 4, 4:08 A.M. GMT (10:08 P.M. CST Nov. 3).  The 15-minute gap before this switch showed up on the TV is likely due to a delay in updating the Pennsylvania info at the network.

Now, I know nothing about “Pede,” but as you can see, the vote switch was shown on TV, and “Pede” located that percentage switch in the code, which means that “Pede” is working with real data and has the skills needed to identify the code and expose the anomalies.  My experience has been that geeky internet bloggers are a hell of a lot more honest than most any politician, and I think we can safely proceed on the assumption that the research “Pede” has done is offered in good faith.  (The only clue to “Pede’s” identity is that “Pede” refers to the events as “Nr. 187” and “Nr. 188”, using the European abbreviation for “number” instead of the American “No.” which suggests that “Pede” was born or educated overseas.)

As “Pede” puts it, “I made a script to run through the data and gather all instances where votes switched from Trump to Biden.  ‘Lost Votes’ means that the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting.”

Here are the results “Pede” found for the swing states:

Pennsylvania: Switched, 220,883; Lost Votes, 941,248

Florida: Switched, 21,422; Lost Votes, 456

Michigan: Switched, 20,213; Lost Votes, 21,882

Georgia: Switched, 17,407; Lost Votes, 33,574

Wisconsin: Switched, 2,078; Lost Votes, 3,408

North Carolina: Switched, 0; Lost Votes, 15


Arizona: Switched, 4,492; Lost Votes, 0

Minnesota: Switched, 2,766; Lost Votes, 195,650

Colorado: Switched, 1,809; Lost Votes, 0

Nevada: Switched, 0 Lost Votes, 0

Remember, these numbers are for electronic fraud, above and beyond the paper-ballot fraud also committed and which is slowly being uncovered and documented.

Here’s what I think happened:

The crooked Democrats actually believed their own propaganda — that Biden would win easily or that, at worst, it would be a tight race.  So they created enough fraudulent paper ballots to be inserted into the counting to overcome any worst-case situation for them, which would be a “squeaker” Trump win.  But Trump still led in the upper Midwest, even with the paper-ballot fraud, so they had to switch or destroy enough votes electronically to give Biden a “squeaker” win.

But as the votes were being counted on Election Night, it was quickly clear that Trump had a blowout win in Pennsylvania, far more than could be fraudulently papered over, so electronic fraud there went into overdrive, allowing it to be easily detected.  (Although “lost votes” apply to the total vote count, forgive me if I suspect that most of them are Trump votes being thrown away.)

As of midnight on Nov. 11, the candidates’ vote totals, corrected for “Pede”-detected vote switches, are as follows:

Pennsylvania: Trump 3,550,163; Biden 3,159,698.  Trump wins (55.5% to 44.5%).

Michigan: Trump 2,668,046; Biden 2,774,61.

Georgia: Trump 2,475,263; Biden 2,454,538.  

Trump wins (50.5% to 49.5%)


Below is the affidavit of Russell James Ramsland Jr. To read it you will need to search and download, He works for a security firm and has filed this affidavit to provide findings involving Dominion voting systems and troubling statistics surrounding the votes.

Case 1:20-cv-04651-SDG Document 7-1 Filed 11/18/20 Page 1 of 9


CONFIRMED: Georgia Was Stolen – Tally Shows MASSIVE Biden Vote Dumps — Lost Votes for Trump — Vote Ratios Statistically IMPOSSIBLE!

By Jim Hoft
Published November 22, 2020 at 9:01am
975 CommentsShare(3.7k)TweetShareEmail

In 2020 President Trump set a monumental new record by adding over 11 million new votes to his 2016 tally across the US.

President Trump won bellwether states Florida and Ohio by 5%.

President Trump won Georgia by 5% in 2016.
But now the media wants you to believe that Georgia went blue under Donald Trump.
Does anyone believe this?

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On Election day and late into the night President Trump was leading in Georgia by 100,000 votes.00:2001:13

TRENDING: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Major Lawsuit in Georgia Tomorrow!

Then as we previously reported earlier after Biden gained a lead following MASSIVE vote dumps, the remainder of the votes in the state possessed the same Biden to Trump ratio.
This is an impossible occurrence. It does not happen in nature.

In Georgia President Trump was up by as much as a 57% to Biden’s 42% and with 50% of the votes counted Trump was still way ahead.  Then Biden was allocated batches of votes for hours, some with negative Trump votes and then with 89% of the votes in, Biden took the lead.  From that point on for the next 53 batches of votes counted, for EVERY SINGLE vote batch the batches had exactly a 50.05% to 49.95% victory margin for Biden and Trump cementing Biden’s lead.

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It was a classic “Drop and Roll.”

Not a single batch in our data set after the “lead switch event” varied from that margin for all new vote batches.  This too is inconceivable and indicates fraud.

Since our previous report on Georgia more data fraud has been reported.

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YouTube user Endeez found at least one batch of votes of 23,000 dumped into the total 98% of them for Joe Biden.
This is impossible and points to more fraud.

Georgia was STOLEN from President Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Votes in Illinois Makes No Sense – Indicates Election Fraud Occurred Across the Entire Country

By Joe Hoft
Published November 24, 2020 at 8:00am
851 CommentsShare(1.2k)TweetShareEmail

Trump supporters wearing red MAGA hats and patriotic attire in the front rows at the Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Late last week we reported on an analysis performed by another brilliant mind on the Internet that revealed how votes were shifted from President Trump to Biden in the 2020 election. 

This Internet sleuth shared his results on Twitter.

An expert on twitter with the name @redpillx2 shared his results on Twitter on how the 2020 election was fixed for Joe Biden.  We agree with his overall thesis – that the major election fraud occurred in the data maintained and massaged within the voting system used for the 2020 election.

The election fraud in the 2020 campaign occurred across the country and it appears that 3rd Party candidates’ accounts were used in the big shift of votes from Trump and the 3rd party candidates to Biden within the system.  Here is what we shared:

A couple days later another individual on the Internet shared his analysis showing the transfer of votes across precincts in Pennsylvania that complimented the @redpillx2 analysis reported above.

It’s Americans who are saving the day.  Sharp, bright, energetic patriots are standing up and tearing the Democrats’ fraud apart.

Today we follow up with a report from @redpillx2 where he attempted to show activity involving the 3rd party candidates that indicate fraud.

He performed further analysis on a number of states and in Illinois he shows that the election data was bizarre which suggests fraud in the Land of Lincoln.

The numbers in Illinois are massive – something very strange and unexpected is going on there especially with the weird stair step pattern:

In the middle of the night 3rd party votes increased by more than 2% of the total votes in Illinois. But later in the night the results evaporate and apparently flow to the Biden campaign.  This is one way the votes were passed from President Trump to Biden.

The more you look into the data from the 2020 election, the more we find questionable acts that seem to always benefit Biden.  This indicates massive election fraud.

Joe HoftSummary Recent Posts ContactJoe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP’s founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: ‘In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics’ is out now – please take a look and buy a copy. @joehoft


November 25, 2020

Election Fraud You Can See

By Debbie Georgatos

Mainstream media, elected officials, and popular culture are attempting to steamroll America into surrendering to the pronouncement that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. The election certification train is leaving the station and joining the steamrolling.

As with so many other leftist missions, the “let’s move on… this is over..” mantra has been unleashed. But preservation of our democratic republic requires election integrity, and integrity requires investigation of serious allegations and evidence of election fraud, lest we anoint someone president who did not actually win.

Vote fraud, the kind that occurs in varying degrees in every election, where deceased people mysteriously vote, some individuals vote multiple times,  and mysterious pallets of ballots appear to save the election for the candidate who was losing, seems to be widespread. Affidavits in unprecedented numbers and scope, describing firsthand observations of perceived vote fraud, are piling up.

But election fraud, the electronic manipulation of voter tabulation software, also called vote-switching, is the burning issue that could change everything we think we know about election 2020.  The central question is how serious, how substantive, how real, is the evidence of widespread, systemic election fraud?   And why are so many Biden-supporting anti-Trumpers SO determined to shut down consideration of the evidence before it is presented? Sidney Powell’s promised upcoming lawsuits will no doubt be full of details that have made her so resolute and confident in saying that Trump won, and that she is about to  “release the Kraken … on steroids.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

We have time. We have less than three weeks until the December 14 Electoral College vote as set by the constitution, and more than 8 weeks until the 2021 presidential inauguration. This is enough time to look at the evidence, and to get the answer right in what many have called the most important election in American history.  We have time to find the truth.

This article is a head start on the evidence of electronic election fraud, based on my interview of Russ Ramsland on my  America Can We Talk show on Monday November 25th. Russ is the co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) in Dallas, and has provided information to Sidney Powell. 

Summary of the Interview

The interview is in a show that went a little over an hour and 45 minutes, and it’s worth the watch. Here are a few top-level takeaways.

·      Russ Ramsland’s ASOG group both employs and contracts with a well-trained group of experienced ex-military and former national intelligence agency specialists who know cybersecurity.

·      They began researching the vulnerabilities of the major voting machine companies and the software they use, in 2018, long before this present 2020 election controversy.

·      They discovered and reported widespread vulnerabilities to hacking, failure to protect passwords and other very sensitive information, and the actual capacity to both access and change votes.

·      Senators Klobuchar and Warren among many others have in the past complained about the lack of security in the Dominion Voting Systems software that is at the heart of many concerns in this election. Most or all of the major voting machine and software companies share similar flaws.

·      Contrary to what most Americans naturally assume, voting machines allow voting tabulation algorithms in their software, instead of simply counting votes. Algorithms are manipulable and changeable, and the ability to utilize them is explicitly acknowledged in the owner’s manuals for those machines. 

·      Following the explanations of the cybersecurity discoveries ASOG is reporting requires an adult-level attention span. Serious adult Americans need to care what the truth is, and take the time to understand what occurred.

Specifics: Strong Evidence of Electronic Election Fraud

Decimals in Vote Tallies

Tabulation software in use in the 2020 election in at least 28 states explicitly authorized in operating instruction manuals provided by the software vendor — the use of weighting algorithms to tally votes.

Actual tallies in Michigan’s public records show weighted numbers of votes received, showing vote tallies in fractional numbers — e.g. a tally of 1,615,707.52 votes for candidate X and 1,925,865.66 votes for candidate Y. 

These numbers are not vote total percentages for one candidate or another, which would logically include decimals.  These are reports of vote totals. With decimals. There is no logical place for decimals in a system that is supposed to be counting one person, one vote. Vote counts with decimals establish that the system used algorithms.  They prove the actual vote tally has been manipulated.

Impossible speed: Vote Tabulation Volume Impossibilities

Michigan’s Magical Ballot Blaster. After election night vote counting was suspended (in several key swing states) and later resumed, public voting records in Michigan show, according to Mr. Ramsland,  the tabulation of numbers of ballots after resumption of the counting to be at levels that are physically, functionally impossible for the actual machines in use.  It could only have been done by what is effectively a manual stuffing of the electronic ballot box.  This appears to be simply old school cheating implemented with new technology. 

Over 100% Voter Turnout

In Minnesota and other jurisdictions, some announced vote tallies exceeded the number of registered voters in those counties. By a lot. In Minnesota, the vote tally showed that one county had a 350%  voter turnout, while at least 18 others had an over 100% voter turnout. This is election fraud that anyone can understand.

More commonsense suspicion about the election outcome

Voters already have a wide range of common sense reasons to doubt that Donald Trump lost, and to resist the media’s coronation of Joe Biden as president-elect. The comparative ability to attract supporters at campaign events is one of those reasons.

America’s bellwether counties, 18 out of 19 of them, went for Trump by an average of 12 points. The one lone outlier went for Biden by 3 points.

The GOP did not lose ONE US House seat, and won all 27 House races ranked by Cook Political Report at toss ups.

Dominion Voting Systems’ suspicious behavior.  Dominion Voting Systems’ machines are under great suspicion. Last week the Pennsylvania legislature called Dominion officials in to explain the serious issues with their machines. After first agreeing to come, they backed out and lawyered up, after, Mr. Ramsland disclosed, a series of hard-hitting questions was delivered to the legislators about to question them.

The burden is now on the “coronation crowd”  and the courts

All of this is enough to shift the burden from those raising questions, to those demanding the evidence of fraud be ignored and the masses join the Biden coronation.  The answer of the American people to the clamor that Trump should  concede now must be, NO.  We are not moving on

Where to go from here?

Resist the steamrolling.

Closely examine the evidence Sidney Powell and President Trump’s team will be presenting.

SCOTUS may not want to decide election outcomes, but they have many remedies available if the assembled evidence shows widespread election fraud, including holding that the 2020 presidential election decision must, under the Constitution, be made by Congress. 

In any event, if the systemic election fraud that appears to have occurred actually did happen, justice must mean that  America should not be forced to tolerate a ‘President Biden’ elected through massive fraud.

Graphic credit: Nick Youngson   CC SA BY 3.0 license

Debbie Georgatos is the Host of the conservative talk show, AmericaCanWeTalk?

Mainstream media, elected officials, and popular culture are attempting to steamroll America into surrendering to the pronouncement that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. The election certification train is leaving the station and joining the steamrolling.

As with so many other leftist missions, the “let’s move on… this is over..” mantra has been unleashed. But preservation of our democratic republic requires election integrity, and integrity requires investigation of serious allegations and evidence of election fraud, lest we anoint someone president who did not actually win.

Vote fraud, the kind that occurs in varying degrees in every election, where deceased people mysteriously vote, some individuals vote multiple times,  and mysterious pallets of ballots appear to save the election for the candidate who was losing, seems to be widespread. Affidavits in unprecedented numbers and scope, describing firsthand observations of perceived vote fraud, are piling up.

But election fraud, the electronic manipulation of voter tabulation software, also called vote-switching, is the burning issue that could change everything we think we know about election 2020.  The central question is how serious, how substantive, how real, is the evidence of widespread, systemic election fraud?   And why are so many Biden-supporting anti-Trumpers SO determined to shut down consideration of the evidence before it is presented? Sidney Powell’s promised upcoming lawsuits will no doubt be full of details that have made her so resolute and confident in saying that Trump won, and that she is about to  “release the Kraken … on steroids.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We have time. We have less than three weeks until the December 14 Electoral College vote as set by the constitution, and more than 8 weeks until the 2021 presidential inauguration. This is enough time to look at the evidence, and to get the answer right in what many have called the most important election in American history.  We have time to find the truth.

This article is a head start on the evidence of electronic election fraud, based on my interview of Russ Ramsland on my  America Can We Talk show on Monday November 25th. Russ is the co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) in Dallas, and has provided information to Sidney Powell. 

Summary of the Interview

The interview is in a show that went a little over an hour and 45 minutes, and it’s worth the watch. Here are a few top-level takeaways.

·      Russ Ramsland’s ASOG group both employs and contracts with a well-trained group of experienced ex-military and former national intelligence agency specialists who know cybersecurity.

·      They began researching the vulnerabilities of the major voting machine companies and the software they use, in 2018, long before this present 2020 election controversy.

·      They discovered and reported widespread vulnerabilities to hacking, failure to protect passwords and other very sensitive information, and the actual capacity to both access and change votes.

·      Senators Klobuchar and Warren among many others have in the past complained about the lack of security in the Dominion Voting Systems software that is at the heart of many concerns in this election. Most or all of the major voting machine and software companies share similar flaws.

·      Contrary to what most Americans naturally assume, voting machines allow voting tabulation algorithms in their software, instead of simply counting votes. Algorithms are manipulable and changeable, and the ability to utilize them is explicitly acknowledged in the owner’s manuals for those machines. 

·      Following the explanations of the cybersecurity discoveries ASOG is reporting requires an adult-level attention span. Serious adult Americans need to care what the truth is, and take the time to understand what occurred.

Specifics: Strong Evidence of Electronic Election Fraud

Decimals in Vote Tallies

Tabulation software in use in the 2020 election in at least 28 states explicitly authorized in operating instruction manuals provided by the software vendor — the use of weighting algorithms to tally votes.

Actual tallies in Michigan’s public records show weighted numbers of votes received, showing vote tallies in fractional numbers — e.g. a tally of 1,615,707.52 votes for candidate X and 1,925,865.66 votes for candidate Y. 

These numbers are not vote total percentages for one candidate or another, which would logically include decimals.  These are reports of vote totals. With decimals. There is no logical place for decimals in a system that is supposed to be counting one person, one vote. Vote counts with decimals establish that the system used algorithms.  They prove the actual vote tally has been manipulated.

Impossible speed: Vote Tabulation Volume Impossibilities

Michigan’s Magical Ballot Blaster. After election night vote counting was suspended (in several key swing states) and later resumed, public voting records in Michigan show, according to Mr. Ramsland,  the tabulation of numbers of ballots after resumption of the counting to be at levels that are physically, functionally impossible for the actual machines in use.  It could only have been done by what is effectively a manual stuffing of the electronic ballot box.  This appears to be simply old school cheating implemented with new technology. 

Over 100% Voter Turnout

In Minnesota and other jurisdictions, some announced vote tallies exceeded the number of registered voters in those counties. By a lot. In Minnesota, the vote tally showed that one county had a 350%  voter turnout, while at least 18 others had an over 100% voter turnout. This is election fraud that anyone can understand.

More commonsense suspicion about the election outcome

Voters already have a wide range of common sense reasons to doubt that Donald Trump lost, and to resist the media’s coronation of Joe Biden as president-elect. The comparative ability to attract supporters at campaign events is one of those reasons.

America’s bellwether counties, 18 out of 19 of them, went for Trump by an average of 12 points. The one lone outlier went for Biden by 3 points.

The GOP did not lose ONE US House seat, and won all 27 House races ranked by Cook Political Report at toss ups.

Dominion Voting Systems’ suspicious behavior.  Dominion Voting Systems’ machines are under great suspicion. Last week the Pennsylvania legislature called Dominion officials in to explain the serious issues with their machines. After first agreeing to come, they backed out and lawyered up, after, Mr. Ramsland disclosed, a series of hard-hitting questions was delivered to the legislators about to question them.

The burden is now on the “coronation crowd”  and the courts

All of this is enough to shift the burden from those raising questions, to those demanding the evidence of fraud be ignored and the masses join the Biden coronation.  The answer of the American people to the clamor that Trump should  concede now must be, NO.  We are not moving on

Where to go from here?

Resist the steamrolling.

Closely examine the evidence Sidney Powell and President Trump’s team will be presenting.

SCOTUS may not want to decide election outcomes, but they have many remedies available if the assembled evidence shows widespread election fraud, including holding that the 2020 presidential election decision must, under the Constitution, be made by Congress. 

In any event, if the systemic election fraud that appears to have occurred actually did happen, justice must mean that  America should not be forced to tolerate a ‘President Biden’ elected through massive fraud.

Graphic credit: Nick Youngson   CC SA BY 3.0 license

Debbie Georgatos is the Host of the conservative talk show, AmericaCanWeTalk?

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