February 19, 2025 16 Comments By Brandon Smith For many years alternative economists and “conspiracy theorists” have argued that, according to the evidence, there has been an organized criminal cabal operating a long running agenda to exploit and eventually destroy western culture. We have suggested that much of this agenda was being funded with our own tax dollar while using government institutions and NGOs as vehicles for social engineering. In the 20 years since I started work in the liberty movement (or patriot movement), I have seen corruption beyond imagining and it all culminated in 2020-2023 when many of us battled
Read more ... →Archive for the Anarchy Category
By Eric Utter I have been quite blunt in my writings here over the past five years or so — about the state of the nation, the West in general, the nature of the mainstream media, Democrats, and the hoaxes that the latter two have foisted on us. I have repeatedly noted how Democrats lie, gaslight, and project (their favorite tactic.) But I now have to say something some will consider patently extreme, and others may judge to be simple hyperbole: the Democrat party is the biggest threat to the planet — on the planet — today. Allow me to explain.
Read more ... →February 6, 2025 By Andrea Widburg If Elon Musk—who has been an advocate for free speech and small government—has an evil twin, that evil twin is George Soros. Soros, as conservatives know, has spent his billions funding organizations dedicated to leftist causes. One of the causes with the greatest impact has been funding “Soros prosecutors”—hard-left lawyers who refuse to prosecute criminals but enthusiastically prosecuted Trump and other conservatives. It now appears that some large amounts of the money the Soros organizations used to get these prosecutors in office came from USAID. The story begins with the Tides Foundation and the Tides
Read more ... →Dark Quad Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff The Dark Tetrad, also known as the Dark Quad, is a set of interrelated negative personality features: narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and sadism. The term is an expansion of the idea of the Dark Triad construct, which does not include sadism. In the last decade, researchers have noted a correlation of sadism with Dark Triad traits, with the result of the Dark Tetrad. The concept was coined by Erin Buckles, Daniel Jones, and Delroy L. Paulhus in 2013. Paulhus is also the originator of the Dark Triad construct. Understanding the Dark Tetrad People with Dark Tetrad traits score high on measures of the
Read more ... →December 8, 2024 By Kevin Finn If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide. —Abraham Lincoln There have been countless people (myself included) who at one time or another have said, “The way those rotten (insert name of political party or group) are (insert action), they’re destroying the country!” Hyperbolic invective aside, enough of those specific accusations have been made that they form a blueprint of sorts and wouldn’t you know, they’re all in play! Here they are, in no particular order:
Read more ... →December 9, 2024 By Fay Voshell God-kings who ruled over ancient civilizations and tyrannous authoritarians of modern times have utilized trusted means of achieving radical cultural change: the mass movement or genocidal elimination of peoples. Whether it was Nebuchadnezzar’s deportation of Jews to Babylon or Mao Tse-tung’s employment of the “Down to the Countryside” program, designed to banish and reform bourgeois youths, the plans were designed to reconfigure the social structure of nations and peoples. The mass migrations being experienced by the United States have been and still are being employed by the Biden/Harris administration as a tool to change America
Read more ... →November 30, 2024 By Lars Møller Image: Public domain. The myth of Laocoön is tragic. In vain, he warned his countrymen in Troy against opening the gate to the colossal wooden horse left behind by Greek invaders. However, he was blinded by the gods who then had him killed by giant sea serpents. So, it is not as if it has not been foretold. As a matter of fact, it has been the subject of countless essays, speeches, and novels. We cannot plead ignorance. In retrospect, the “Rivers of Blood” speech by British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell, a modern
Read more ... →July 29, 2018 By Frank Hawkins America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list
Read more ... →Exclusive: Jessico Bowman Blows Lid off Radical Leftist Organizations Trying to Take Down MAGA Drew Angerer/Getty Image HANNAH BLEAU KNUDSEN 27 Jan 2024635 A high-powered network of leftist organizations is trying to end not only former President Donald Trump but the MAGA movement, Secretary of the Republican Liberty Caucus Jessico Bowman said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday. These organizations are led by a group, Indivisible, which Bowman describes as an entity that aims to “create what they call an inclusive democracy.” “So they’re not looking to have a constitutional republic. It goes much deeper than just stopping Trump, as
Read more ... →VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: American Paralysis And Decline OPINION VICTOR DAVIS HANSONCONTRIBUTOR February 29, 20247:01 PM ET “We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.” So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C –A.D. 17) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic. Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless. But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration — and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy — made it impossible
Read more ... →Renowned Attorney John Eastman Delivers Blistering Speech on Illegitimate 2020 President Election – John Describes Complete Breakdown of the Election Process Like No Other (FULL VIDEO) By Jim Hoft May. 13, 2024 7:45 am Renowned Constitutional Attorney John Eastmen spoke in Lansing, Michigan on Friday May 10, 2024. Brilliant scholar and former Trump attorney John Eastman, traveled to Michigan on Friday night. Attorney Eastman delivered a powerful speech on lawfare and how it’s being used against President Trump and his supporters. Mr. Eastman addressed a large crowd in Lansing, Michigan, at an event that was hosted by Michigan’s top election integrity group, MI
Read more ... →EXCLUSIVE: The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Discovered and Defined Inbox By Guest Contributor May. 3, 2024 This post was originally reported at JoeHoft.com – we are republishing it here with permission. There is a battle taking place in America today. It’s the Left’s Election Industrial Complex versus fair and transparent US elections. While conservatives argue over whether we should vote early or on Election Day, the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting, and managing entities that are clandestinely operating behind US elections. A document produced by Higher Ground Labs entitled the – 2022 Political Tech Landscape Report – outlines what we have labeled the Election Industrial
Read more ... →Exclusive — ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs 1,747 BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images MATTHEW BOYLE 26 Jan 2024Washington, DC9,953 33:59 A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned. But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy
Read more ... →THOMAS KLINGENSTEIN (SPONSORED) 17 Aug 2023511 The following content is sponsored by author, playwright, and Chair of the Claremont Institute Thomas Klingenstein. While nobody denies that racist people exist all over the world, including in the U.S., racism in America today is, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem, crafted by woke Leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life. The Left claims there exists an intolerable, all-pervasive system of white oppression and if you disagree, they will destroy you and may even inflict violence. The woke tell us that racism has gotten worse, but this is drivel. As I explain
Read more ... →Once again we are republishing this analysis by John L Kachelman, Jr. We first published this piece back in October 2020 before the presidential election. 2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago! Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes The scheduled voting was extended by
Read more ... →Ron DeSantis Effectively Ends His Race for President – Says “Theories” by Donald Trump about 2020 Election Being Stolen Were “Unsubstantiated” – Here’s a List of Illegal-Illicit Acts of Fraud and Cheating in 2020 Election By Jim Hoft Aug. 4, 2023 8:20 pm1103 Comments According to a FOX News poll in December 2021, 78% of Republicans believed the 2020 election was stolen. At least 70% of Republican voters still believe Joe Biden’s win was illegitimate, according to a recent poll this week by far-left CNN. In January 2022, only 17% of Republicans and right-leaning independent voters said they would vote for a candidate that believes Joe Biden won
Read more ... →VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The coup we never knew Victor Davis Hanson – Tribune Content Agency January 7, 2023 – 9:01 pm Did someone or something seize control of the United States? What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that
Read more ... →BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON 12:01 AM ON JANUARY 05, 2023 AP Photo/Susan Walsh What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do
Read more ... →‘Gaslighting’ 17 Drew Angerer / Getty JOEL B. POLLAK 28 Nov 202253 2:27 The Merriam-Webster dictionary has declared “gaslighting” to be the word of the year for 2022, as searches for the term skyrocketed — though there was no specific incident or usage of the word to spark the sudden interest. The term refers to the practice of intentionally deceiving someone by telling them that the state of the world is not what they perceive it to be. The term is used often in online political debates to accuse opponents of lying. But “gaslighting” goes beyond lying. To carry out
Read more ... →By Joe Hoft Published November 19, 2022 at 7:00pm Republicans, always late to how their voters are marginalized, now exclaim “we get it!” “Let’s place mail-in ballot boxes at gun shows, churches and Kiwanis breakfasts.” This is electioneering theater. Our Leftist pals respond with two strategies: they monitor the election apparatus in every district – knowing how many ballots they need. They use their phantom ballot inventory for the votes to cover any Republican votes gathered at that gun show. Republicans don’t monitor the election apparatus. They are too honest to do it. Where Democrats are happy to do it. We
Read more ... →VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Anton Novoderezhkin/SPUTNIK/AFP/Getty Images/TNS May 12, 202210:25 AM ET Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable. Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power. In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war. A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power. After
Read more ... →Donald Trump spoke at a “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6 before Congress was set to confirm the election results. “We will never concede,” he said. Read the transcript of his speech remarks here. Donald Trump: (02:44)The media will not show the magnitude of this crowd. Even I, when I turned on today, I looked, and I saw thousands of people here, but you don’t see hundreds of thousands of people behind you because they don’t want to show that. We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I just want them to be recognized by
Read more ... →Americans who supported President Trump’s policies on trade, energy and the environment, immigration, foreign policy, deregulation, education, and free speech are in a fight for their lives.By Edward Ring January 10, 2021 On January 8, in the wake of the protests two days earlier at the U.S. Capitol that left five dead and derailed congressional debate over election fraud, Twitter and Facebook permanently banned President Trump from their platforms. Jack Dorsey, the scruffy billionaire CEO of Twitter, apparently banned Trump while vacationing in French Polynesia. This action by Twitter and Facebook, while shocking, should not surprise anyone. This is the latest salvo
Read more ... →January 4, 2021 By Deborah C. Tyler On the morning of November 3, I texted a friend about how proud I was of America. After all the vilification, Trump would win because the system works. The last thing I said to my son-in-law as I went to bed that night was, “Don’t worry. They can’t overcome a nine-point lead in Pennsylvania. Trump is going to win.” How could I have been so blind? Because I had faith in the law. As the most destructive interstate crime campaign in American history was playing out, videos emerged (Philadelphia, Detroit, Gary) of authorized poll-watchers being barred from entering election headquarters by latter-day
Read more ... →October 2, 2020 By K.E. Campbell One doesn’t have to wade far into the social media cesspool to see posts labeling the president “fascist.” It’s ubiquitous too for anyone critical of BLM-Antifa to be labeled similarly. Do the online posters and name-callers know of which they speak (or type or text or tweet)? Or do they simply mean something or someone they don’t like? If the latter, it is not uncommon. A recent piece at Jacobin, “a leading voice of the American left,” included this: There are countless examples of journalists and contemporary historians taking a strong and understandable dislike to political figures in the present day,
Read more ... →Now You See It: Democrats Want to End Elections Oct 1, 2020 RUSH: This is Brad in Owensboro, Kentucky. It’s great to have you, sir. I’m glad you waited. Hello. CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush, from the Bluegrass State. RUSH: Great to have you with us. CALLER: I always wanted to talk to you. I was telling Mr. Snerdley, I think we finally reached the point that you have always said we would get to where the Democrats are done with elections. They don’t care anymore. They don’t think we’re smart enough to self-govern, and so they’re gonna try and steal
Read more ... →Move over, “White Fragility”: Shelby Steele’s “White Guilt” diagnoses our racial woes much more accurately.by BRADFORD H. B.August 18, 2020, 12:00 AM Protesters in Washington, D.C., June 3, 2020 (bgrocker/Shutterstock.com) For many American Spectator readers, an especially troubling aspect of the recent racial eruptions likely has been the elevation of books like Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility, Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Antiracist, and Ijeoma Oluo’s So You Want To Talk About Race into the national consciousness. Following the protests and riots in May and Jund, each of these previously published titles zoomed up Amazon’s bestsellers list, entrenching them further, no doubt, in college humanities syllabi across the
Read more ... →July 28, 2020 By Don Rosenberg Enthusiasm and passion have been a hallmark of political action over all of history. Stating something strongly and with conviction gets attention and almost forces people to listen. But the last three years have seen political passion turn into an explosion of hatred and anger like never before. Why is this? Psychologists say that anger arises when we have an unmet demand. Some angry reactions are reasonable, such as objecting to bad service at an expensive restaurant, or protesting against an injustice, but others are irrational, such as shooting a gun at someone who
Read more ... →July 6, 2020 By John Eidson “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.” So tweeted virtue-signaling Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, whose three-sentence message had one purpose: to help the political party she supports mainstream the absurd idea that white people should be ashamed of their skin color and, by extension, ashamed of their predominately white country. Hollywood stars are not the only ones pushing white privilege ideology. Marxist teachers and professors in our universities and public schools have systematically burdened millions of young white minds with guilt over the accident of
Read more ... →by Gary Bauer | July 04, 2020 06:00 AM What would you do if you wanted to destroy America? The first thing you would do is take control of the education system and teach children that they are living in an evil country. Then you would undermine the police, the military, and law enforcement. You’d use every opportunity you can to divide people by race, religion, and class. You would stoke feelings of grievance regardless of how much progress was being made to promote racial reconciliation and equal opportunity. You would attack churches, too. You’d teach children that there is no God,
Read more ... →RUSH: There also, ladies and gentlemen, you know, one of the themes that I have been on for a long time, but I’ve been intensely trying to drive home a point for the last two weeks, three weeks, and that is the utter failure of the Democrat Party to come through for its constituents. You’ve heard me say this I don’t know how many times. Maybe you’re a little tired of hearing me say it. The Democrat Party has been promising utopia. And yet where is all this police brutality happening? In Democrat blue states. It’s so bad that they’re
Read more ... →Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages (Kerry is addressed in the trailing artical) By John Eidson Given America’s deplorable history of slavery and segregation, all Americans should be proud that their country had the courage to elect its first black president. With invaluable assistance from a cheerleading media, a young and charismatic Barack Obama was swept into the most powerful job in the world with the enthusiastic endorsement of a sizable majority of the American electorate. More than three years after leaving office, he remains one of the most influential political figures in America. But is that plaudit warranted? These
Read more ... →Arabella Advisors (commonly called “Arabella”) is a philanthropic consulting company that guides the strategy, advocacy, impact investing, and management for high-dollar left-leaning nonprofits and individuals. [1] Arabella provides these clients with a number of services that ease their operations and that enable them to enact policies focused on environmentalism and other left-of-center issues. [2] The company was founded in 2005 by Eric Kessler, a Clinton administration alumnus and long-time staffer at the League of Conservation Voters who remains a senior managing partner at the firm. [3] Arabella Advisors manages four nonprofits that serve as incubators and accelerators for a range of other left-of-center nonprofits. These include the New Venture
Read more ... →BY DENNIS PRAGER OCTOBER 29, 2019 Protesters from the group Refuse Fascism chant as President Trump’s motorcade comes off the highway in Wilkes Barre Township, Pa., on Aug. 2, 2018. (Dave Scherbenco/The Citizens’ Voice via AP) Here are some of the messages the left has been giving America’s young people: Your past is terrible, and your future is terrible. The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism. You should be ashamed of it. As regards your future, your very existence is in jeopardy. You may well die at a young age unless society completely shifts from fossil
Read more ... →December 10, 2019 By John Eidson Evidence that socialism is doomed to fail wherever it is tried occurred long before America became a nation. In 1607, inhabitants of Jamestown, Virginia were on the verge of starvation, largely because the settlement’s communal living arrangement failed to produce enough food. Among the steps that saved Jamestown from oblivion was doing away with communal sharing in favor of incentive-based farming that rewarded personal initiative. YouTube screen grab: The Hippies Movement 1960s. Three and a half centuries later, the same lesson repeated itself in San Francisco and elsewhere, when the utopian “free food” communes of the hip generation
Read more ... →by E. DONALD ELLIOTT December 6, 2019, 12:12 AM “Gulliver bound down by the Democratic Lilliputians,” Judge Magazine, c. 1890–95 Our country could survive an impeachment trial of Donald Trump. We’d be wounded and I hope that calamity can be avoided, but we’d survive. The more momentous issue in the current impeachment kerfuffle is how and to what extent the administrative state can bind the president. A quiet revolution, so far bloodless, is underway to redefine “the rule of law” to give unelected officials in the administrative state control over the president. Confucius, the only philosopher I know who was also prime minister
Read more ... →American Greatness, by Dennis Prager Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. Dennis Prager – November 19th, 2019 Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. But there can be little doubt that the left has no love for America, just as there can be little doubt that liberals and conservatives love America. Love of America is one of the many dividing lines between liberalism and
Read more ... →EYE ON THE NEWS We must counter the clerisy’s efforts to discredit our past and demolish our future Not allowing people to live in and enjoy the PRESENT. (Clerisy-intellectuals who form an artistic, social,or political vanguard or elite intelligentsia.) Teaching youth that there is nothing good about our democratic cultural inheritance, the intellectual class is working to discredit our past and demolish our future.Joel KotkinOctober 3, 2019 Politics and lawThe Social Order The intellectual class across the West—encompassing its universities, media, and arts—is striving to dismantle the values that paced its ascendancy. Europe, the source of Western civilization, now faces a
Read more ... →by D. L. Adams (January 2010) Saul Alinsky and his “community organizing” methods and philosophy have had a profound influence on the politics of the United States. Recent history would suggest that this influence is just short of catastrophic.Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals,” published in 1971 still has enormous effects on our country today. Hillary Clinton wrote her Wellesley College thesis on Alinsky, interviewing him personally for her research. After her graduation Alinsky offered her a job with his organization, which she refused to pursue other opportunities. President Obama worked for Alinsky organizations and taught seminars in Alinsky tactics and methodology during his “community organizing” period in Chicago.
Read more ... →The one way to put a stop to “white supremacy.” byJEFF GOLDSTEINAugust 7, 2019, 12:02 AM Antifa marchers in Portland in 2018 (Shutterstock.com) Three years ago, writing in the Federalist, I noted how the Left’s embrace — and political deployment — of identity politics had given rise to, and become a perverse justification for (in its own hive mind), white supremacy, a blunt rejection of the collective call by the Left and academia to demonize whiteness. I pored over and unpacked the “alt-right manifesto” of an influential “thought leader” of the movement and found what was easily recognizable: a progressive strain placing it
Read more ... →Intellectual bankruptcy, underwritten by name-calling and intimidation. bySCOTT MCKAYJuly 29, 2019, 11:59 PMMatt Smith Photographer/Shutterstock.com We just concluded one of the strangest, and most illuminating, weeks in the history of American politics — a week in which the Democrat Party, through its majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives, exposed itself as not just driven by out-of-the-mainstream anti-American and anti-civilization ideologues but by radicals lacking the political skill to carry a message even with the aid of a slavish mainstream media. That was the takeaway from the Robert Mueller hearing on Wednesday, in which the Democrats’ anti-Trump cleanup hitter
Read more ... →W Walter E. Williams Bradley Prize Winner 2017 Professor of Economics.wwilliam@gmu.edu(703) 993-1148D158 Buchanan HallDepartment of EconomicsGeorge Mason University Socialist Promises Presidential contenders are in a battle to out give one another. Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes a whopping $50,000 per student college loan forgiveness. Senator Bernie Sanders proposes free health care for all Americans plus illegal aliens. Most Democratic presidential candidates promise free stuff that includes free college, universal income, “Medicare for All” and debt forgiveness. Their socialist predecessors made promises too. “Freedom and Bread” was the slogan used by Adolf Hitler during the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) campaign
Read more ... →By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON October 16, 2018 6:30 AM Protesters gather in front of the doors of the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in, October 6, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) In the wake of Obama, the Democratic party was a shipwreck, to be saved only by Hillary and the Supreme Court . . .What has transformed the Democratic party into an anguished progressive movement that incorporates the tactics of the street, embraces maenadism, reverts to Sixties carnival barking, and is radicalized by a new young socialist movement? Even party chairman Tom Perez concedes that there are “no moderate Democrats left,”
Read more ... →RUSH: One thing to keep in mind, folks, when you hear any leftist talking about “whiteness” or “white privilege,” what that translates to is power. Remember what the American left is — and it really serves to understand this. The American left today despises America as founded, and this may be a bit of a simplification, but I do this in order to communicate and be understood. At its very essence, the modern-day American left — as taught and educated over the past two generations through middle school, high school, and college — has been taught to hate America because
Read more ... →Democrat leaders and their liberal aides, along with professional agitators, are all intermingled and conspiring together to achieve the same objective — in this case, to spike the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Hill Republicans claim Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein engineered the knee-capping of Kavanaugh from both inside and outside Congress — and they have a strong case, though Feinstein insists she merely dealt cards she was handed. For starters, they argue that Feinstein, who is the top Democrat on the Senate committee vetting Kavanaugh, orchestrated an “11th-hour ambush” of the conservative nod by withholding a letter from
Read more ... →By Charlie Daniels | September 18, 2018 | 2:49 PM EDT Charlie Daniels If this piece is going to have any impact, it cannot be viewed through partisan eyes – conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Preconceived political prejudice and implacable attitudes must be cast aside. For the moment, we must view the political system, as just that, a political system without the personalities and policies we loath or the blind loyalty we show for one side and the blind hatred that we feel for the other. What I will attempt to say in the next few paragraphs are the very deep
Read more ... →September 18, 2018 By Andrew Thomas Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Zaire/Congo, Bangladesh, Angola, Mozambique, Somalia. All victims to the bloody rise of communism in Africa. To paraphrase Agent Smith of The Matrix: “You hear that, South Africa? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye, South Africa.” There appears to be no stopping the descent. And as S.A. goes, so goes the continent. Dave Blount posts an eye-opening piece on the current status of S.A. in his blog, Moonbattery. The tragedy unfolding in South Africa is relevant to all of us because it indicates the fate of the West in general if political and demographic trends continue. However,
Read more ... →Rap Sheet: ***447*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters Various; Frederic J. BROWN / AFP/Getty; Arr: BNN 5 Jul 201819,679 When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump. It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly
Read more ... →If it’s real, why isn’t it working? We’re living in a time of artificial hysteria, spread by what we call “the media,” as historian Victor Davis Hanson chronicles. A month from now there will be a new manufactured news story that Donald Trump is savage, represents an existential danger, or is unhinged. We will hear of another Trump official cornered and driven out from a liberal-owned Beltway or New York City restaurant. An unhinged Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) will rant some more about impeachment. And then the current hysteria over the border detainments will be filed, and go the way of
Read more ... →Fitton: Obama Administration Funded Soros Left-Wing Activities in Albania Getty/AP Images by TOM FITTON12 Apr 2018Washington D.C Last week, Judicial Watch reported to you on our efforts to expose the Obama administration’s funding of George Soros’s left-wing political activities in Romania and Colombia. They also noted that we were pursuing his actions in Albania. Judicial Watch has obtained 32 pages of records showing that the Obama administration sent U.S. taxpayers’ funds to a Soros-backed group that used the money to fund left-wing political activities in Albania. That included working with the country’s socialist government to push for highly controversial judicial “reform.” The records also
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