Archive for the Education Category

Democrat party now the biggest threat to world peace and freedom

By Eric Utter I have been quite blunt in my writings here over the past five years or so — about the state of the nation, the West in general, the nature of the mainstream media, Democrats, and the hoaxes that the latter two have foisted on us. I have repeatedly noted how Democrats lie, gaslight, and project (their favorite tactic.) But I now have to say something some will consider patently extreme, and others may judge to be simple hyperbole: the Democrat party is the biggest threat to the planet — on the planet — today. Allow me to explain.

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Democrat voters: From where do they all come?

  February 6, 2025 By J.A. Frascino How does a political party that proclaims there are innumerable genders, that can’t define woman, that declares race is a social construct, that says white supremacy is our greatest problem, that thinks child rearing is the purview of the state and not parents, that triggers inflation, that embraces illegal immigration, that politicizes the legal system, that defunds the police and coddles criminal behavior, that debases merit, garner the support of 48% of voters in a presidential election? Attraction to such an agenda clearly defies reason, logic, and even natural law.  What factors could be

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Practical steps to improve America’s higher education

January 19, 2025 By Molly Slag America’s higher education system is in freefall, for young adults are indoctrinated, not educated. It doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine you are a mouse in the corner of the conference room when the Board of Trustees of a small Midwest college trying to bring education back to the classroom conducts its monthly meeting. The chairman of the board gavels the meeting open, looks around the room with a grave countenance, and offers brief introductory remarks. “We meet today in an atmosphere of crisis, with which I know you are all familiar and which

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How to destroy your country in 10 easy steps

December 8, 2024 By Kevin Finn If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide. —Abraham Lincoln There have been countless people (myself included) who at one time or another have said, “The way those rotten (insert name of political party or group) are (insert action), they’re destroying the country!” Hyperbolic invective aside, enough of those specific accusations have been made that they form a blueprint of sorts and wouldn’t you know, they’re all in play! Here they are, in no particular order:

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Radical Leftist Organizations Trying to Take Down MAGA

Exclusive: Jessico Bowman Blows Lid off Radical Leftist Organizations Trying to Take Down MAGA Drew Angerer/Getty Image HANNAH BLEAU KNUDSEN 27 Jan 2024635 A high-powered network of leftist organizations is trying to end not only former President Donald Trump but the MAGA movement, Secretary of the Republican Liberty Caucus Jessico Bowman said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday. These organizations are led by a group, Indivisible, which Bowman describes as an entity that aims to “create what they call an inclusive democracy.” “So they’re not looking to have a constitutional republic. It goes much deeper than just stopping Trump, as

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American Paralysis And Decline

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: American Paralysis And Decline OPINION VICTOR DAVIS HANSONCONTRIBUTOR February 29, 20247:01 PM ET “We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.” So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C –A.D. 17) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic. Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless. But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration — and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy — made it impossible

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Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrats emulate the Nazi Party

The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson.  It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws.  It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia.  Over the past 60 years, the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society.  The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point

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Paul Harvey’s Famous 1965 “Warning to America”

MUST SEE: Paul Harvey’s Famous 1965 “Warning to America” Essay – Put to Life by Ultra MAGA Party By Jim Hoft Dec. 2, 2023  Joe Biden’s famous Moloch speech attacking the American people from Philly. Paul Harvey was one of the great radio personalities of 20th century America. Paul was a Christian man. He was a staunch American patriot and Godly man. His popular “Rest of the Story” segment was broadcast into millions of American homes and businesses. Paul Harvey was also a devout Christian who was deeply concerned that the United States was abandoning God and morality at her own peril. In 1965 Paul

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by Thomas Sowell      During the 15 years that I spent researching and writing my recently completed trilogy on racial and cultural issues,2 I was struck again and again with how common huge disparities in income and wealth have been for centuries, in countries around the world– and yet how each country regards its own particular disparities as unusual, if not unique.  Some of these disparities have been among racial or ethnic groups, some among nations, and some among regions, continents, or whole civilizations. In the nineteenth century, real per capita income in the Balkans was about one-third that in Britain. 

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The Coup on America We Never Knew

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The coup we never knew Victor Davis Hanson – Tribune Content Agency January 7, 2023 – 9:01 pm Did someone or something seize control of the United States? What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that

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Two Years Ago Today Joe Biden Was Inaugurated President, Here Are the Results

By Jim Hoft Published January 21, 2023 at 8:00am Elections Have Consequences, Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences. – Steve Bannon The Biden inauguration – No one came Two years ago today the coup was completed. Joe Biden was inaugurated President of the United States. And the era of prosperity and peace officially ended. Oh, what a difference a stolen election makes. Here are Joe Biden’s results after two years in office: ** Record crime on our streets. There were over one million stolen cars in 2022 alone. ** Inflation was out of control at a 40-year high in 2022. ** Open borders –

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Identity Politics and Teleologies of the Present James H. Sweet | Aug 17, 2022   Twenty years ago, in these pages, Lynn Hunt argued “against presentism.” She lamented historians’ declining interest in topics prior to the 20th century, as well as our increasing tendency to interpret the past through the lens of the present. Hunt warned that this rising presentism threatened to “put us out of business as historians.” If history was little more than “short-term . . . identity politics defined by present concerns,” wouldn’t students be better served by taking degrees in sociology, political science, or ethnic studies instead?

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Did Someone or Something Seize Control of the United States?

BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON 12:01 AM ON JANUARY 05, 2023 AP Photo/Susan Walsh What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do

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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Are Universities Doomed?

OPINION (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images) VICTOR DAVIS HANSONCONTRIBUTOR December 22, 20229:11 AM ET In a famous exchange in the “The Sun Also Rises,” Ernest Hemingway wrote: “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually, then suddenly.” “Gradually” and “suddenly” applies to higher education’s implosion. During the 1990s “culture wars” universities were warned that their chronic tuition hikes above the rate of inflation were unsustainable. Their growing manipulation of blanket federal student loan guarantees, and part-time faculty and graduate teaching assistants always was suicidal. Left-wing indoctrination, administrative bloat, obsessions with racial preferences, arcane, jargon-filled research, and

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10 Steps to Save America

Yes, there is a way. But is there the will? By Victor Davis Hanson December 18, 2022 Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid “normal” seven-percent-plus annual inflation, bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality, and humiliation abroad—all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a

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Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America

‘Real And Pressing Issues’: Black Conservative Group Releases Blueprint To Reform America BRONSON WINSLOW CONTRIBUTOR November 03, 2022 Project 21, a conservative black leadership network, released a “blueprint” Monday identifying eight key areas that need reform due to the Biden administration’s policies they believe have harmed black Americans. The group, a project of the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), released their “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America,”  READ at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, and identified criminal justice, Critical Race Theory (CRT), education, election integrity, employment and many other key areas they believe need reform.

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Sharpen Your Thinking with These 10 Powerful Cognitive Razors

 Powerful Cognitive Razors Published 1 day ago August 15, 2022   by Carmen Ang Improve Your Decision-Making with These 10 Cognitive Razors The average adult makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day. Given this sheer volume of choice, how do we ensure we’re making the right decisions, day in and day out, without becoming exhausted? Using insights from investor and thought leader Sahil Bloom, this graphic shares 10 cognitive razors, or rules of thumb, that can help you simplify your decision-making. We’ve organized Bloom’s favorite cognitive razors into three overarching categories, which we dive into in further detail below. Location, Location, Location The

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Imagine The Unimaginable

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Anton Novoderezhkin/SPUTNIK/AFP/Getty Images/TNS May 12, 202210:25 AM ET Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable. Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power. In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war. A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power. After

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America Wasn’t Founded on Slavery in 1619 — but on Pilgrims’ Ideals Written in 1620

Peter Wood Article November 17, 2020 1620 Project Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The New York Post on November 7, 2020 and is crossposted here with permission. In August 1619, a pirate ship, the White Lion, stopped at Jamestown and traded 20-some captive Africans for food. The Africans were treated as indentured servants and soon released. Fifteen months later, in November 1620, an English ship blown off course on its way to Virginia ended up off the barren coast of Massachusetts. It landed more than 100 men, women and children. Those voyagers founded Plymouth Colony. Which event mattered more? Last

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The 1776 Report demonstrates a more sophisticated grasp of history than that of its critics.

What is a nation? The no-sooner-established-by-President-Trump-than-abolished-by-Presidient-Biden “President’s Advisory 1776 Commission” understandably by-passed this question in its initial report. The report deals with a particular nation—our own—and had enough to do without entering the deeper thicket. But what is a nation?  In his 1983 book, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, the political scientist and historian Benedict Anderson proposed what has become the most popular answer among social scientists. A “nation,” in Anderson’s view, is a kind of myth. People imagine a community, larger than any actual community, and imagine themselves part of it.  This doesn’t happen by accident, says Anderson.

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Freeloader University

John Stossel: With current system, ‘Taxpayers lose. Students lose. The winners are bloated colleges’ By John StosselPublished November 10, 2020 Yale University has fancy dining halls. They pay no property tax. Local restaurants struggle to compete, but their tax burden makes that hard. “We basically pay one-third of our rent in taxes!” complains Matt West, manager of Koon Thai Restaurant. “Yale is a money-making machine.”Advertisement – story continues below It is. Many colleges are. Yale has a $31 billion endowment. Harvard’s is $40 billion. My alma mater, Princeton, has $26 billion. Yet, these schools also get government handouts and tax breaks. How government

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The illusion of intelligence of the imperious ‘woke’ Left

Ron Hart The three-month trial membership in “wokeness” is up, and America does not want to subscribe. With the monomaniacal desire to get rid of Trump, the leftist millennial “woke” crowd has overplayed its manufactured grievances. Some have become so “woke,” they can’t sleep. It turns out, most Americans do not like these whiny incoherent layabouts who are bent on making us bow to their whimsy. The media recently realized this and no longer show the ongoing riots, destruction and lawlessness of anarchists across the country in cities such as Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland. When visuals do not help their

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Is racism responsible for today’s Black problems?

WALTER WILLIAMS  | Friday, July 31, 2020 7:00 p.m.APA protester carries an American flag upside down, a sign of distress, next to a burning building in Minneapolis May 28.  I doubt whether any American would defend the police treatment of George Floyd that led to his death. But many Americans are supporting some of the responses to Floyd’s death — rioting, looting, wanton property destruction, assaults on police and other kinds of mayhem by both whites and blacks. The pretense is that police conduct stands as the root of Black problems. According to the NAACP, from 1882-1968, there were 3,446 Black people lynched at

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Are Leftists Literally Addicted To Hatred?

July 28, 2020 By Don Rosenberg Enthusiasm and passion have been a hallmark of political action over all of history.  Stating something strongly and with conviction gets attention and almost forces people to listen.  But the last three years have seen political passion turn into an explosion of hatred and anger like never before.  Why is this? Psychologists say that anger arises when we have an unmet demand.  Some angry reactions are reasonable, such as objecting to bad service at an expensive restaurant, or protesting against an injustice, but others are irrational, such as shooting a gun at someone who

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What Causes White Guilt

July 6, 2020 By John Eidson “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.” So tweeted virtue-signaling Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, whose three-sentence message had one purpose: to help the political party she supports mainstream the absurd idea that white people should be ashamed of their skin color and, by extension, ashamed of their predominately white country. Hollywood stars are not the only ones pushing white privilege ideology.  Marxist teachers and professors in our universities and public schools have systematically burdened millions of young white minds with guilt over the accident of

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How to destroy America from within

by Gary Bauer | July 04, 2020 06:00 AM  What would you do if you wanted to destroy America? The first thing you would do is take control of the education system and teach children that they are living in an evil country. Then you would undermine the police, the military, and law enforcement. You’d use every opportunity you can to divide people by race, religion, and class. You would stoke feelings of grievance regardless of how much progress was being made to promote racial reconciliation and equal opportunity. You would attack churches, too. You’d teach children that there is no God,

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Fixing College Corruption

By Walter E. Williams – April 15, 2020 America’s colleges are rife with corruption. The financial squeeze resulting from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a bit of remediation. Let’s first let’s examine what might be the root of academic corruption, suggested by the title of a recent study, “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was done by Areo, an opinion and analysis digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short for Areopagitica, a speech delivered by John Milton in defense of free speech. Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. Lindsay and Peter Boghossian say that something has gone

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Colleges Dupe Parents and Taxpayers

Colleges have been around for centuries. College students have also been around for centuries. Yet, college administrators assume that today’s students have needs that were unknown to their predecessors. Those needs include diversity and equity personnel, with massive budgets to accommodate. According to Minding the Campus, Penn State University’s Office of Vice Provost for Educational Equity employs 66 staff members. The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of 93 full-time diversity administrators, officers, directors, vice provosts, deans, consultants, specialists, investigators, managers, executive assistants, administrative assistants, analysts and coordinators. Amherst College, with a student body of 1,800 students employs

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‘Your Past Is Terrible, and Your Future Is Terrible’: What the Left Tells Young Americans

BY DENNIS PRAGER OCTOBER 29, 2019 Protesters from the group Refuse Fascism chant as President Trump’s motorcade comes off the highway in Wilkes Barre Township, Pa., on Aug. 2, 2018. (Dave Scherbenco/The Citizens’ Voice via AP) Here are some of the messages the left has been giving America’s young people: Your past is terrible, and your future is terrible. The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism. You should be ashamed of it. As regards your future, your very existence is in jeopardy. You may well die at a young age unless society completely shifts from fossil

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Fraud in Higher Education

This year’s education scandal saw parents shelling out megabucks to gain college admittance for their children. Federal prosecutors have charged more than 50 people with participating in a scheme to get their children into colleges by cheating on entrance exams or bribing athletic coaches. They paid William Singer, a college-prep professional, more than $25 million to bribe coaches and university administrators and to change test scores on college admittance exams such as the SAT and ACT. As disgusting as this grossly dishonest behavior is, it is only the tiny tip of fraud in higher education. According to the Bureau of

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Universities Breed Anger, Ignorance, and Ingratitude

by Vivtor Davis Hanson – October 22, 2019 6:30 AM In turning out woke and broke graduates, they have a lot to answer for. What do widely diverse crises such as declining demography, increasing indebtedness, Generation Z’s indifference to religion and patriotism, static rates of home ownership, and a national epidemic of ignorance about American history and traditions all have in common? In a word, 21st-century higher education. A pernicious cycle begins even before a student enrolls. A typical college-admission application is loaded with questions to the high-school applicant about gender, equality, and bias rather than about math, language, or

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“Stop Scaring the Children”

Oct 3rd, 2019 4 min read Stephen Moore@StephenMoore Distinguished Visiting FellowStephen Moore is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation. KEY TAKEAWAYS Gloomy stories of the coming apocalypse have become commonplace in schools, textbooks, churches, movies and even children’s bedtime stories. For those under the age of 30, listen up: You will live longer, healthier lives with more material wealth than any previous generation. Our responsibility as parents, teachers, clergy and lawmakers is to teach the children how to solve problems effectively, not to preach the end of the world. ——————————————————————————————————————– A friend of mine’s

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Elites Against Western Civilization

EYE ON THE NEWS We must counter the clerisy’s efforts to discredit our past and demolish our future Not allowing people to live in and enjoy the PRESENT. (Clerisy-intellectuals who form an artistic, social,or political vanguard or elite intelligentsia.) Teaching youth that there is nothing good about our democratic cultural inheritance, the intellectual class is working to discredit our past and demolish our future.Joel KotkinOctober 3, 2019 Politics and lawThe Social Order The intellectual class across the West—encompassing its universities, media, and arts—is striving to dismantle the values that paced its ascendancy. Europe, the source of Western civilization, now faces a

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Commencement Speech – Neal Boortz

Texas A&M Commencement Address – The students gave a standing ovation; the faculty were deathly silent. Neal Boortz is a Texan, a lawyer, a Texas Aggie (Texas A&M) graduate, and now a nationally syndicated talk show host from Atlanta. His commencement address to the graduates of a recent Texas A&M class is far different from what either the students or the faculty expected. Whether you agree or disagree, his views are certainly thought provoking. “I am honored by the invitation to address you on this august occasion. It’s about time. Be warned, however, that I am not here to impress

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Placing Agenda Before Truth

Hoax John Stossel March 6, 2019 If you are an American college professor, the way you get a raise or tenure is by getting papers published in “academic journals.” The stupidity of these journals says a lot about what’s taught at colleges today. Recently, three people sent in intentionally ridiculous “research” to prominent journals of women studies, gender studies, race studies, sexuality studies, obesity studies and queer studies. “The scholarship in these disciplines is utterly corrupted,” says Dr. Peter Boghossian of Portland State University. “They have placed an agenda before the truth.” To show that, hoaxer and mathematician James Lindsay

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Socialism Explained

Rush Limbaugh transcript, March 2019 RUSH: Back to the phones to Richmond, Virginia. This is David. Great to have you, sir. Hi. CALLER: Hey, Rush. I’m so glad you opened with Ocasio-Cortez’s role in this Democrat debacle, ’cause she proves to continually be the gift that keeps on giving to conservatives who argue against socialism. And she does that whether it be through a lack of understanding of economic growth or a lack of understanding of government deficit spending or more recently, our ultimate fear as what socialists can lead to, is totalitarian government control. So I just love that

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What are they teaching your children?

School Daze: What are they teaching your children? “Convinced that the people are the only safe depositories of their own liberty, and that they are not safe unless enlightened to a certain degree, I have looked on our present state of liberty as a short-lived possession, unless the mass of the people could be informed to a certain degree.” ~ Thomas Jefferson   I don’t think he had this in mind: Take a seat. A Missouri substitute teacher claims he was banned from working at a high school after a “hurt” student reported him for thanking those who stood up during

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In A Sane World, Democrates Would Suffer A Landside Defeat

RUSH: One thing to keep in mind, folks, when you hear any leftist talking about “whiteness” or “white privilege,” what that translates to is power. Remember what the American left is — and it really serves to understand this. The American left today despises America as founded, and this may be a bit of a simplification, but I do this in order to communicate and be understood. At its very essence, the modern-day American left — as taught and educated over the past two generations through middle school, high school, and college — has been taught to hate America because

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University Corruption

By Walter E. Williams | September 25, 2018 | 8:59 AM EDT (Screenshot) I’m thankful that increasing attention is being paid to the dire state of higher education in our country. Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has just published “The Diversity Delusion.” Its subtitle captures much of the book’s content: “How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.” Part of the gender pandering at our universities is seen in the effort to satisfy the diversity-obsessed National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, each of which gives millions of dollars of grant money

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Contributions Of White People

August 5, 2018 Actually, white people have contributed quite a lot By Russ McSwain Putting aside the hateful, despicable slurs on Sarah Jeong’s Twitter feed, here are some that caught my attention. have you ever tried to figure out all the things that white people are allowed to do that aren’t cultural appropriation. there’s literally nothing. like skiing, maybe, and also golf. white people aren’t even allowed to have polo. did you know that. like don’t you just feel bad? why can’t we give white people a break. lacrosse isn’t for white people either. it must be so boring to be

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The Warrior’s Tale – Read This To Your Children

Danield Greenfield is a writer and journalist whose work has covered everything from domestic American politics to creeping Islamism in Scotland and how foreign aid makes its way into the hands of terrorists to white aborigines in Australia, Islamist Imams in Libya, flogging in the Maldives and the hunt for witches in the Muslim world. Here he explains what the kids lying on the floor of a supermarket, and the owner of the supermarket, would never understand. The warrior’s tale is a simple enough thing. Strong as steel, but fragile as chance. It is the wind in his soul and the wall

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Futuristic View

In a recent interview, the Head of Daimler Benz (Mercedes Benz) said its competitors are no longer other car companies, but Tesla, and now Google, Apple, Amazon. Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. Uber is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world. Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although it does not  own any properties. Artificial Intelligence:  Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world.  This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than

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Addressing educrats’ college monopoly next for Trump  By Ron Hart Posted Jan 26, 2018 at 12:00 PMUpdated Jan 26, 2018 at 1:29 PM    Because it is largely government-funded, higher education has become an overpriced failure full of left-leaning political cronies. Bloated colleges with tenured professors who seek to indoctrinate, rather than educate, diminish our country. Kids leave college under-educated and frustrated, espousing illogical social causes that cause them to be humorless and angry. If being perpetually offended paid, they would be able to pay off their massive student loans. These wrongly educated folks show up to a Confederate statue protest in a Volkswagen, shouting “Resist the Nazi extremists!” —

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A Feb. 22, 2018 transcript from the Rush Limbaug radio show discusssing Democrate involvement in the Government shut-down.  It is edited and condensed by the Phantom. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– RADICALIZED DEMOCRATES ARE HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA as FOUNDED   RUSH: Still trying to figure out exactly what happened to cause the vote. It was 81-18 in the Senate. ——————————————   This is not about the government shutdowns per se, and it’s more than the Democrats just executing a page from their playbook. You know, “Shut down the government! Shore up support from the middle class, the lower middle class. The little guy

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Undermining America

Walter E. Williams | Posted: Oct 25, 2017 12:01 AM   Our nation’s leftist progressives have long sought to undermine the American values expressed in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Though typical Democrats and Republicans do not have this leftist hate for our nation, they have been willing accomplices in undermining the most basic value the Founding Fathers sought to promote — limited government. Leftists have had their greatest successes in undermining American values on the nation’s college campuses. Derelict and dishonest college administrators, professors and boards of trustees have given them carte blanche. Let’s look at some of

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What’s wrong with your child’s school

Between 1980 and 2014 the number of public school students increased by 22.6%. Over the same period, total staff headcount increased by 50.1%, led by an 88.1% increase in school district administrative staff and followed by a 54.1% increase in instructional staff, which included a 63.1% increase in school principals and assistant principals. Find out what the numbers are in your school district. Then ask yourself: What are all those administrators actually doing? Why? Posted by Terry Kirkpatrick at 11:00 AM 

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Reading, writing and radicalism

“These young people now have been taught to look around them to see defects in America – which is the freest country in the history of the world – and to feel that somehow America is the source of all evil in the universe, and it’s because they’ve never been exposed to the actual evil of the history of humanity. They know nothing!” ~ Camille Paglia   The Left’s long march through our institutions is now complete. The evidence: The Left is now turning on itself and eating its young. The far left, under the banner of Black Lives Matter, is protesting

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Our Broken Moral Compasses

Walter E. Williams – October 11, 2017 As George Orwell said, “some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” Many stupid ideas originate with academics on college campuses. If they remained there and didn’t infect the rest of society, they might be a source of entertainment, much in the way a circus is. Let’s look at a few stupid ideas peddled by intellectuals. During the Cold War, academic leftists made a moral equivalency between communist totalitarianism and democracy. Worse is the fact that they exempted communist leaders from the type of harsh criticism directed toward Adolf Hitler, even

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The Welfare State’s Legacy

Walter E. Williams | Posted: Sep 20, 2017 12:01 AM That the problems of today’s black Americans are a result of a legacy of slavery, racial discrimination and poverty has achieved an axiomatic status, thought to be self-evident and beyond question. This is what academics and the civil rights establishment have taught. But as with so much of what’s claimed by leftists, there is little evidence to support it. The No. 1 problem among blacks is the effects stemming from a very weak family structure. Children from fatherless homes are likelier to drop out of high school, die by suicide,

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