Shadowy’ dark money and the likes of Arabella and George Soros By Adam Shaw | Fox News New focus on campaign funds as Democratic 2020 candidates battle it out UVA Center for Politics professor Larry Sabato and Washington Free Beacon senior writer Liz Harrington on the battle for campaign cash. An expansive network of “shadowy” dark money donors has grown to rival the influence of the conservative Koch network — pumping millions into left-wing causes ranging from health care to climate change to abortion — all while flying well under the radar of public scrutiny, according to an explosive new report obtained by Fox News. The report, by conservative watchdog Capital
Read more ... →Archive for the Goverment Category
Arabella Advisors (commonly called “Arabella”) is a philanthropic consulting company that guides the strategy, advocacy, impact investing, and management for high-dollar left-leaning nonprofits and individuals. [1] Arabella provides these clients with a number of services that ease their operations and that enable them to enact policies focused on environmentalism and other left-of-center issues. [2] The company was founded in 2005 by Eric Kessler, a Clinton administration alumnus and long-time staffer at the League of Conservation Voters who remains a senior managing partner at the firm. [3] Arabella Advisors manages four nonprofits that serve as incubators and accelerators for a range of other left-of-center nonprofits. These include the New Venture
Read more ... →January 13, 2020 By Richard Moss One could perhaps have excused them their earlier indiscretions of November 2016. He was, after all, an unknown quantity, an outsider of questionable conservative pedigree. Indeed, Donald Trump had been a fairly typical New York liberal Democrat for much of his life. And he had led a less than stellar moral life. And so the pile-on at the time by National Review and others could perhaps have been forgiven, although not really, when one considered the alternative. As I had written at the time: Do we not grow weary of the sanctimonious ones? The Never Trumpers
Read more ... →Rush Limbaugh delivered commentary on U.S. foreign policy and the nation’s superpower status on the Wednesday broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program. RUSH: Folks, we have just in the last — ah, you could say two days, the last week, we have had demonstrated for us one of life’s most basic lessons. And I want to try to explain this. I gotta tell you, I was so frustrated watching television last night as the Iranians launched their little puddle jumper missiles. I’m watching, I don’t care what channel I turned to, not even gonna mention them. All the networks,
Read more ... →VIRGIL 4 Jan 2020 If Virgil told you about an article arguing that the current system can’t handle the challenges of globalization—pointing to “the completely unprecedented personal economic insecurity of working people, from industrial workers and white-collar clerks to medium-high managers”—you might be inclined to react as follows: “That’s old news. I’ve read a hundred articles making that point, again and again, over the last few years—quite a few of them, in fact, at Breitbart News.” Okay, but what if Virgil told you that this particular article was written in…1994? As in, a full quarter-century ago? In other words, way ahead of
Read more ... →BY DENNIS PRAGER OCTOBER 29, 2019 Protesters from the group Refuse Fascism chant as President Trump’s motorcade comes off the highway in Wilkes Barre Township, Pa., on Aug. 2, 2018. (Dave Scherbenco/The Citizens’ Voice via AP) Here are some of the messages the left has been giving America’s young people: Your past is terrible, and your future is terrible. The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism. You should be ashamed of it. As regards your future, your very existence is in jeopardy. You may well die at a young age unless society completely shifts from fossil
Read more ... →December 10, 2019 By John Eidson Evidence that socialism is doomed to fail wherever it is tried occurred long before America became a nation. In 1607, inhabitants of Jamestown, Virginia were on the verge of starvation, largely because the settlement’s communal living arrangement failed to produce enough food. Among the steps that saved Jamestown from oblivion was doing away with communal sharing in favor of incentive-based farming that rewarded personal initiative. YouTube screen grab: The Hippies Movement 1960s. Three and a half centuries later, the same lesson repeated itself in San Francisco and elsewhere, when the utopian “free food” communes of the hip generation
Read more ... →by E. DONALD ELLIOTT December 6, 2019, 12:12 AM “Gulliver bound down by the Democratic Lilliputians,” Judge Magazine, c. 1890–95 Our country could survive an impeachment trial of Donald Trump. We’d be wounded and I hope that calamity can be avoided, but we’d survive. The more momentous issue in the current impeachment kerfuffle is how and to what extent the administrative state can bind the president. A quiet revolution, so far bloodless, is underway to redefine “the rule of law” to give unelected officials in the administrative state control over the president. Confucius, the only philosopher I know who was also prime minister
Read more ... →American Greatness, by Dennis Prager Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. Dennis Prager – November 19th, 2019 Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. But there can be little doubt that the left has no love for America, just as there can be little doubt that liberals and conservatives love America. Love of America is one of the many dividing lines between liberalism and
Read more ... →nomenklatura – (in the former Soviet Union) a list of influential posts in government and industry to be filled by Communist Party appointees. To reserve important appointments for Party members. Take all the signature brand names that the Baby Boomers inherited from prior generations—Harvard, Yale, the New York Times, NPR, CNN, the Oscars, the NFL, the NBA, the FBI, the CIA, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, and a host of others. And then ask whether they enhanced or diminished such inheritances? Victor Davis Hanson – October 27th, 2019 Donald Trump is now in the midst of another coup frenzy that has the Left
Read more ... →Remarks by President Trump to the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly Issued on: September 19, 201 United NationsNew York, New York 10:04 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT TRUMP: Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, world leaders, and distinguished delegates: Welcome to New York. It is a profound honor to stand here in my home city, as a representative of the American people, to address the people of the world. As millions of our citizens continue to suffer the effects of the devastating hurricanes that have struck our country, I want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this
Read more ... →The United States didn’t simply poof into existence, fully formed, from the brains of the Founders. History guided them as they crafted the American system of governance. This included the European traditions they were partially rejecting, but also elements from an older generation of republics that they wished to copy, especially the Roman Republic. And while our problems today feel distinctly modern, Rome still has lessons that can guide our republic. Polybius, a Greek who saw Rome’s republic conquer the world, believed those statesmen and citizens who knew Roman history could shape the future with wisdom and justice. This is
Read more ... →RUSH: A fascinating piece by Andy Puzder. Andy Puzder, chief executive officer of CKE Restaurants for more than 16 years following a career as a lawyer, nominated by President Trump to serve as U.S. labor secretary. In 2011 he coauthored Job Creation: How It Really Works and Why Government Doesn’t Understand It. His latest book is The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It. The book came out April 24th, 2018. And there is a piece here by Mr. Puzder. (coughing) Excuse me. Anyway, this piece, it ran on Fox News: “Our booming economy can still overcome progressive
Read more ... →Ted Malloch: Defending Capitalism Capitalism is as American as apple pie. President Trump knows that and he embodies its very spirit. His top economic czar, Larry Kudlow, defends the market better than almost anyone. Capitalism is, however, under attack everywhere — from the House of Representatives to the socialists penetrating our culture, media, universities, big tech, and the economic system itself. You could make the claim that common sense is patient and capitalism needs to be so too, if it is to succeed over the long term. Good capitalism must succeed or we are all doomed. In fact, if you
Read more ... →W Walter E. Williams Bradley Prize Winner 2017 Professor of 993-1148D158 Buchanan HallDepartment of EconomicsGeorge Mason University Socialist Promises Presidential contenders are in a battle to out give one another. Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes a whopping $50,000 per student college loan forgiveness. Senator Bernie Sanders proposes free health care for all Americans plus illegal aliens. Most Democratic presidential candidates promise free stuff that includes free college, universal income, “Medicare for All” and debt forgiveness. Their socialist predecessors made promises too. “Freedom and Bread” was the slogan used by Adolf Hitler during the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) campaign
Read more ... →John Stossel: Democratic socialism is not the route to paradise – Just look at Venezuela By John Stossel | Fox News Venezuela is a disaster. Yet 20 years ago, it was the wealthiest country in Latin America. It still has the world’s biggest oil reserves. It should be a happy and prosperous nation. But then Venezuela went socialist. Democratic socialist to be exact. They voted for it. Hugo Chavez promised the poor “social and economic reforms.” The majority of voters believed it. So did many American leftists. Model Naomi Campbell traveled to Venezuela to give Chavez a hug. She called him
Read more ... →Phanton says: The following has no known sourse nor has it been fact checked but, an intersting attempt at connecting the dots. AMERICAS CORRUPTION CLUB Here’s what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together. It smells like conspiracy and treason. Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important…… From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been empaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Hmmm,
Read more ... →A Balck Reporter Summarizes Barrack The below summarization of Barack and Michelle Obama’s 5 year reign in the White House is by far the best I’ve ever read as it squarely hits the nail on the head. And it took a black reporter writing it to make it as effective as it is. A white man’s account would be instantly criticized by the liberal media as pure racism. But, how can anyone scream Racist when an exacting description of the Obamas is penned by a well known journalist of color? BEST SUMMATION OF BARACK AND MICHELLE EVER! Mychal Massie is
Read more ... →By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON October 16, 2018 6:30 AM Protesters gather in front of the doors of the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in, October 6, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) In the wake of Obama, the Democratic party was a shipwreck, to be saved only by Hillary and the Supreme Court . . .What has transformed the Democratic party into an anguished progressive movement that incorporates the tactics of the street, embraces maenadism, reverts to Sixties carnival barking, and is radicalized by a new young socialist movement? Even party chairman Tom Perez concedes that there are “no moderate Democrats left,”
Read more ... →by Paul Bedard | October 12, 2018 08:43 AM Print this articlePresident Donald Trump speaks to the Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons annual meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington Thursday. The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for reelection on. As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around
Read more ... →RUSH: One thing to keep in mind, folks, when you hear any leftist talking about “whiteness” or “white privilege,” what that translates to is power. Remember what the American left is — and it really serves to understand this. The American left today despises America as founded, and this may be a bit of a simplification, but I do this in order to communicate and be understood. At its very essence, the modern-day American left — as taught and educated over the past two generations through middle school, high school, and college — has been taught to hate America because
Read more ... →Democrat leaders and their liberal aides, along with professional agitators, are all intermingled and conspiring together to achieve the same objective — in this case, to spike the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Hill Republicans claim Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein engineered the knee-capping of Kavanaugh from both inside and outside Congress — and they have a strong case, though Feinstein insists she merely dealt cards she was handed. For starters, they argue that Feinstein, who is the top Democrat on the Senate committee vetting Kavanaugh, orchestrated an “11th-hour ambush” of the conservative nod by withholding a letter from
Read more ... →By Charlie Daniels | September 18, 2018 | 2:49 PM EDT Charlie Daniels If this piece is going to have any impact, it cannot be viewed through partisan eyes – conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Preconceived political prejudice and implacable attitudes must be cast aside. For the moment, we must view the political system, as just that, a political system without the personalities and policies we loath or the blind loyalty we show for one side and the blind hatred that we feel for the other. What I will attempt to say in the next few paragraphs are the very deep
Read more ... →July 29, 2018 The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades By Frank Hawkins America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one
Read more ... →Rap Sheet: ***447*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters Various; Frederic J. BROWN / AFP/Getty; Arr: BNN 5 Jul 201819,679 When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump. It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly
Read more ... →PHOTOS: Inside Shelter for Illegal Alien Children Separated from Parents 44451 15 Jun 201826,692 The Department of Health and Human Services hosted Breitbart News and other media on a tour of a facility in El Cajon, California, on Friday where migrant children are being sheltered after being separated from their parents. The children are separated from their parents — or, to be precise, from the adults accompanying them, who may or may not be their parents — when their parents cross the southern U.S. border illegally and are caught and detained. Previously, under the “catch-and-release” policy, the adults would be
Read more ... →Danield Greenfield is a writer and journalist whose work has covered everything from domestic American politics to creeping Islamism in Scotland and how foreign aid makes its way into the hands of terrorists to white aborigines in Australia, Islamist Imams in Libya, flogging in the Maldives and the hunt for witches in the Muslim world. Here he explains what the kids lying on the floor of a supermarket, and the owner of the supermarket, would never understand. The warrior’s tale is a simple enough thing. Strong as steel, but fragile as chance. It is the wind in his soul and the wall
Read more ... →Feng Wei Photography/Getty Images by MICHAEL PATRICK LEAHY31 Mar 2018 As one billion Christians around the world gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the foundational event of the Christian faith, it is worth reminding every American about the Christian origins of our constitutional republic. Three key theological concepts from the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries–congregational self governance, the covenantal nature of the relationship between man and God, and the free will of individuals to choose–eventually found expression in political philosophy and formed the basis for notions of popular sovereignty and self governance that
Read more ... →Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war. The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done
Read more ... →Former FBI Assistant Director: FBI Investigation Of Clinton Was Phony; FBI Trying To Frame Trump; Obama Was Involved James Kallstrom is a former FBI Assistant Director, who worked at the bureau for 27 years. Kallstrom headed the FBI New York Division. He was a supervising agent in the New York investigation of the Cosa Nostra criminal network that resulted in the Mafia Commission Trial of 1985–1986 under the RICO act. His investigation and the trial that followed is considered the most significant assault on the infrastructure of organized crime since the high command of the Chicago Mafia was
Read more ... →following is a speech delivered Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight!!! This is a civil war.There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C. But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens
Read more ... →February 2018 • Volume 47, Number 2 • Joseph E. diGenova Joseph E. diGenova Former U.S. Attorney Joseph E. diGenova is a founding partner of diGenova & Toensing, LLP. He received his B.A. from the University of Cincinnati and his J.D. from Georgetown University. He has served as United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, Independent Counsel of the United States, Special Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and Counsel to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (the Church Committee). The following is adapted from a speech delivered on January
Read more ... →Tom Del Beccaro: All Corrupt DOJ and FBI Roads Lead to Obama 30105 AP by ROBERT KRAYCHIK9 Feb 20185,881 Holistic analysis of the Justice Department (DOJ) and FBI’s interconnected and ostensible investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump amount to “the worst abuse of political power in American history related to elections,” according to Tom Del Beccaro. Del Beccaro, an attorney and contributor to Forbes, joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak to discuss his recently published – and continually updated – timeline of events, entitled “Biased FBI and DOJ Officials Broke the Law and Tried to Decide
Read more ... →By Charles Krauthammer I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA). OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed
Read more ... →A Feb. 22, 2018 transcript from the Rush Limbaug radio show discusssing Democrate involvement in the Government shut-down. It is edited and condensed by the Phantom. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– RADICALIZED DEMOCRATES ARE HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA as FOUNDED RUSH: Still trying to figure out exactly what happened to cause the vote. It was 81-18 in the Senate. —————————————— This is not about the government shutdowns per se, and it’s more than the Democrats just executing a page from their playbook. You know, “Shut down the government! Shore up support from the middle class, the lower middle class. The little guy
Read more ... →by Paul Bedard | Dec 21, 2017, 1:04 PM Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email this article Share on LinkedIn Print this art With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba
Read more ... →AP/Tassanee Vejpongsa by JAMES DELINGPOLE6 Dec 20173,496 Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise. The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen). But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise. The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper
Read more ... →Rush Limbaugh Nov 22, 2017 Transcript continues below: Now, the real story of Thanksgiving, I wasn’t even taught the whole version. Like everybody, I was taught a sanitized, modern version that has elements of political correctness and multiculturalism. I was taught that Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims being saved from starvation and deprivation by the loving, good-hearted, compassionate, and caring stewards of the earth, the Indians. The Pilgrims didn’t know how to grow corn, food, maize, popcorn, anything of the sort when they got here. The Indians showed them all of that. And Thanksgiving was the Pilgrims inviting the Indians
Read more ... →Getty by DANIEL J. FLYNN22 Nov 2017 Before socialism failed in the Soviet Union, East Germany, and Albania, it flopped in Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims encountered, according to the contemporaneous history Mourt’s Relation published in 1622, “the greatest store of fowl that we ever saw,” strawberries, corn, beans, clean water, sassafras, arable if stony soil, and a variety of timber shortly after landing at Plymouth Rock. Yet, after the first Thanksgiving in 1621, Mourt’s Relation notes that the land’s bounty proved “not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us.” Why did a place offering such a feast threaten a famine? The
Read more ... →Walter Williams – October 18, 2017 Politicians exploit public ignorance. Few areas of public ignorance provide as many opportunities for political demagoguery as taxation. Today some politicians argue that the rich must pay their fair share and label the proposed changes in tax law as tax cuts for the rich. Let’s look at who pays what, with an eye toward attempting to answer this question: Are the rich paying their fair share? According to the latest IRS data, the payment of income taxes is as follows. The top 1 percent of income earners, those having an adjusted annual gross income
Read more ... →by DINESH D’SOUZA July 18, 2016 4:00 AM @DINESHDSOUZA It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is excerpted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani,
Read more ... →by George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired) Interesting Google Search on His Name /george-roof-presidents-ive- known/ Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat clusterflock was all about. I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that
Read more ... →Aug 18, 2017, Rush Limbaugh transcript. RUSH: America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from
Read more ... →Phantom says: this information has not been verified. It is extremely important that Americans (especially young Americans) learn about George Soros and his “Open Society Foundations,“ that claim to “work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose government are accountable to their citizens.” [Click Here] for a link to a short video sales pitch for their foundations. [Click Here] to examine their web site. Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous Human Events | Saturday Apr 2, 2011 3:01 A Human Events’ readers, in an online poll, recently votedbillionaire financier George Soros “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.” Here are the Top
Read more ... →By Malcolm Berko August 9, 2017 Dear Mr. Berko: In 2008, you referred me to a congressman who solved a problem I had with a stupid bureaucrat at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. It took several phone calls and letters, but two months later, it was fixed. I felt obligated to make annual contributions to his political action committee. We have become friendly and have lunch occasionally. At our most recent lunch, I asked why Congress can’t put a health care bill together. His surprising answer was: “Ask Berko!” — CS, no state Dear CS: All members of Congress and their
Read more ... →RYAN PICKRELL China/Asia Pacific Reporter 08/08/2017 Former President Bill Clinton thought he saved the world from a nuclear North Korea more than two decades ago, but he was wrong. North Korea now has an intercontinental ballistic missile that can range most of the continental U.S., and a new Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggests that North Korea has successfully miniaturized nuclear warheads for its missiles. The North is, according to a recent defense intelligence report, expected to be able to field a reliable, nuclear-armed ICBM as early as next year. In the early 1990s, Clinton faced a growing nuclear threat from North Korea, but he ultimately chose
Read more ... →Dinesh D’Souza on ‘The Big Lie’: ‘Fascism Has Crept Deeply into the Bowels of the Left’ NEW ORLEANS, LA – MAY 31: Conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza speaks during the final day of the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference on May 31, 2014 in New Orleans, Louisiana. by JOHN HAYWARD4 Aug 20171 Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza talked about his new book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, with SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily. “There’s a deep fascist streak in politics now. Ironically, the fascism of today marches under the banner
Read more ... →Several states, including Republican states, have decided to raise taxes this year to cover budget shortfalls. But a new study suggests that the states might find themselves in worse financial shape after the money starts rolling in. According to the latest ranking of states by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the most fiscally sound states in the nation are all low-tax, GOP strongholds, while the 10 least-solvent states are almost all high-tax and heavily Democratic. The rankings in the fourth-annual “Ranking of the States by Fiscal Condition” report, which was released this morning, are based on a review
Read more ... →The Lawyers’ Party, By Bruce WalkerThe Democratic Party has become the Lawyers Party.Barack Obama is a lawyer. Michelle Obama is a lawyer.Hillary Clinton is a lawyer. Bill Clinton is a lawyer.John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate).Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress:Harry Reid is a lawyer. Nancy Pelosi is a lawyer.The Republican Party is different.President Bush is a businessman.Vice President Cheney is a businessman.The leaders of the
Read more ... →The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule. March 27, 2017 Daniel Greenfield 1514 Share to Facebook95.5KShare to TwitterShare to More12.3KShare to Print Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. A civil war has begun. This civil war is very different than the last one. There are no cannons or cavalry charges. The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule. Political conflicts become civil wars when one side refuses to accept the existing authority. The left has rejected all forms of authority that
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