I am a Republican, Consevative, Veteran and concerned citizen. The soul of the nation is being contested.  This Blog is created to document and contrast the difference between conservitism and liberalism.  My intention is not to be balanced, this blog will represent conserative views and report the flaws of the left and that ideology.  Postings with ideological, consitutional, hypocritical and ethical discussions will be sought so this blog may be used as a conservative research tool or reference.

This Is A Civil War

     following is a speech delivered  Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight!!!   This is a civil war.There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C. But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens

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The Politicization of the FBI

February 2018 • Volume 47, Number 2 • Joseph E. diGenova Joseph E. diGenova Former U.S. Attorney Joseph E. diGenova is a founding partner of diGenova & Toensing, LLP. He received his B.A. from the University of Cincinnati and his J.D. from Georgetown University. He has served as United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, Independent Counsel of the United States, Special Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and Counsel to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (the Church Committee). The following is adapted from a speech delivered on January

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How Global Warming Became the Biggest #FakeNews Scare of All Time

Delingpole: The Shocking True Story of How Global Warming Became the Biggest #FakeNews Scare of All Time (Pt 1) South Park Studios/Comedy Central by JAMES DELINGPOLE28 Feb 2018 Why do so many apparently informed, intelligent, educated people still believe in ManBearPig? For the same reason that the U.S. underestimated the Japanese threat before Pearl Harbor; that General MacArthur stupidly advanced north of the 38th parallel in Korea; that JFK got embroiled in the Bay of Pigs disaster; that LBJ dragged the U.S. deeper and deeper into the Vietnam War. A phenomenon known as ‘groupthink’. Though the name dates back to a

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NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice

The Associated Press by JAMES DELINGPOLE   24 Feb 2018 The Arctic is melting catastrophically! Sea ice levels are experiencing their most precipitous decline in 1500 years! Something must be done – and fast… Well, so claims the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and we know by now what that means, don’t we? Yep: the Arctic sea ice is doing just fine. Yep: yet again, the NOAA is telling porkies. As usual, Paul Homewood has got its number. First, here’s what the NOAA is claiming, as relayed in a scaremongering piece at Vox: The Arctic Ocean once froze reliably every year. Those days are over. Arctic

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Fake News

Sharyl Attkisson Explains the Origins of the 2016 ‘Fake News’ Narrative in TedX Talk BY DEBRA HEINE FEBRUARY 14, 2018 In a Tedx Talk at the University of Nevada a couple of weeks ago, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson revealed the origins of the “fake news” narrative that was aggressively pushed by the liberal media and Democrat politicians during the 2016 election, and how it was later flipped by President Donald Trump. Attkisson pointed out that “fake news” in the form of tabloid journalism and false media narratives has always been around under different names. But she noticed that in 2016, there seemed to be a concerted

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This is Civil War

Following is a speech delivered  Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight!!!   This is a civil war.There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C. But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens when DemocratsRead more ...

All Corrupt DOJ and FBI Roads Lead to Obama

Tom Del Beccaro: All Corrupt DOJ and FBI Roads Lead to Obama 30105 AP by ROBERT KRAYCHIK9 Feb 20185,881 Holistic analysis of the Justice Department (DOJ) and FBI’s interconnected and ostensible investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump amount to “the worst abuse of political power in American history related to elections,” according to Tom Del Beccaro. Del Beccaro, an attorney and contributor to Forbes, joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak to discuss his recently published – and continually updated – timeline of events, entitled “Biased FBI and DOJ Officials Broke the Law and Tried to Decide

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Obama’s “Organizing for Action” (OFA)”

By Charles Krauthammer I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA). OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed

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Addressing educrats’ college monopoly next for Trump  By Ron Hart Posted Jan 26, 2018 at 12:00 PMUpdated Jan 26, 2018 at 1:29 PM    Because it is largely government-funded, higher education has become an overpriced failure full of left-leaning political cronies. Bloated colleges with tenured professors who seek to indoctrinate, rather than educate, diminish our country. Kids leave college under-educated and frustrated, espousing illogical social causes that cause them to be humorless and angry. If being perpetually offended paid, they would be able to pay off their massive student loans. These wrongly educated folks show up to a Confederate statue protest in a Volkswagen, shouting “Resist the Nazi extremists!” —

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A Feb. 22, 2018 transcript from the Rush Limbaug radio show discusssing Democrate involvement in the Government shut-down.  It is edited and condensed by the Phantom. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– RADICALIZED DEMOCRATES ARE HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA as FOUNDED   RUSH: Still trying to figure out exactly what happened to cause the vote. It was 81-18 in the Senate. ——————————————   This is not about the government shutdowns per se, and it’s more than the Democrats just executing a page from their playbook. You know, “Shut down the government! Shore up support from the middle class, the lower middle class. The little guy

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Of Crudeness and Truth

Andrew Klavan January 12, 2018 Politics and law Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth. Point out that women and men are different, that black Americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims, and the Left leaps to its collective feet in openmouthed shock, like Margaret Dumont after a Groucho Marx wisecrack. This is racism! This is sexism! This is some sort of phobia! I’m shocked, shocked to find facts being spoken in polite company! No one is really shocked, of course. This is simply a form of bullying. The Left has co-opted

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Stock Market for 2018

By Malcolm Berko January 3, 2018  Dear Mr. Berko: Could you please tell us what you think the stock market will do once this tax bill is in effect? All the people I know say that these tax cuts and changes are bearish and that the country will suffer because of these new rules and regulations. — GD, Moline, Ill. Dear GD: You should expand your people horizons. The recent passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduces the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. AT&T will be passing out $1,000 bonuses to employees. And companies such

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I’m Not A Racist, Black Lives Do Matter

Todd Wood  L. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is “Currency.” Todd is a contributor to Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, the New York Post, the National Review, Zero Hedge and others For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com. By L. Todd Wood – – Tuesday, September 26, 2017 ANALYSIS/OPINION: I know of no white

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Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

by Paul Bedard | Dec 21, 2017, 1:04 PM Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email this article Share on LinkedIn Print this art With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba

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Climate alarmists have finally admitted that they’ve got it wrong on global warming.

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty by JAMES DELINGPOLE19 Sep 2017 This is the inescapable conclusion of a landmark paper, published in Nature Geoscience, which finally admits that the computer models have overstated the impact of carbon dioxide on climate and that the planet is warming more slowly than predicted. The paper – titled Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 °C –  concedes that it is now almost impossible that the doomsday predictions made in the last IPCC Assessment Report of 1.5 degrees C warming above pre-industrial levels by 2022 will come true. In order for that to happen, temperatures would have to rise by a massive

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Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise

AP/Tassanee Vejpongsa by JAMES DELINGPOLE6 Dec 20173,496 Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise. The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen). But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.  The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper

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The True Story of Thanksgiving

Rush Limbaugh Nov 22, 2017 Transcript continues below: Now, the real story of Thanksgiving, I wasn’t even taught the whole version. Like everybody, I was taught a sanitized, modern version that has elements of political correctness and multiculturalism. I was taught that Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims being saved from starvation and deprivation by the loving, good-hearted, compassionate, and caring stewards of the earth, the Indians. The Pilgrims didn’t know how to grow corn, food, maize, popcorn, anything of the sort when they got here. The Indians showed them all of that. And Thanksgiving was the Pilgrims inviting the Indians

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Before Socialism Collapsed Behind the Iron Curtain, It Failed Near Plymouth Rock  

Getty by DANIEL J. FLYNN22 Nov 2017 Before socialism failed in the Soviet Union, East Germany, and Albania, it flopped in Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims encountered, according to the contemporaneous history Mourt’s Relation published in 1622, “the greatest store of fowl that we ever saw,” strawberries, corn, beans, clean water, sassafras, arable if stony soil, and a variety of timber shortly after landing at Plymouth Rock. Yet, after the first Thanksgiving in 1621, Mourt’s Relation notes that the land’s bounty proved “not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us.” Why did a place offering such a feast threaten a famine? The

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New Study Says Climate Change Programs Cost Billions For Paltry Results

DAVID KRAYDEN Ottawa Bureau Chief 3:22 PM 11/18/2017 A new study from the Fraser Institute says taxes aimed at curbing climate change and helping green energy projects produce phenomenal costs and little benefit to the environment. The Vancouver-based group examined climate change initiatives in Canada and around the world, all of which wastes billions of taxpayer dollars. “Across the country, ineffective climate policies will cost taxpayers billions with little to show for it,” said Fraser Institiute energy and natural resources expert Kenneth Green in a news release Thursday. Jason Kenney, the new leader of the United Conservative Party in Alberta, was

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From Freedom To Communist Misery

The Bolshevik Revolution Reveals Six Phases From Freedom To Communist Misery A hundred years on from the Bolshevik Revolution, we’d do well to study the stages and trends that put free societies on the path to totalitarianism. By Stella Morabito NOVEMBER 6, 2017 Scarcity, terror, and the mass murder of more than 100 million victims are communism’s main contributions to human history. As we mark the centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia on November 7, we should never forget that legacy. Communism is a fount of human misery and death. Few today really understand what that system of so-called

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The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

Investor’s Business Daily  5:43 PM ET Global Hot Air: Here’s a United Nations climate report that environmentalists probably don’t want anybody to read. It says that even if every country abides by the grand promises they made last year in Paris to reduce greenhouse gases, the planet would still be “doomed.” Autoplay: On | OffWhen President Obama hitched America to the Paris accords in 2016, he declared that it was “the moment that we finally decided to save our planet.” And when Trump pulled out of the deal this year, he was berated by legions of environmentalists for killing it.But it turns out that the

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Millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents

ANTIFA Leader: “November 4th […] millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents” October 30, 2017 by Lucian Wintrich Tom Bloke, considered to be one of the leaders of the domestic terrorist group ANTIFA, took to Twitter today to threaten violence against “white parents” and “small business owners”. can’t wait for November 4th when millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents and small business owners in the town square — Tom Bloke (@21logician) October 30, 2017 Adding to the open display of anti-white racism and coupled with violence against small business owners (for whatever reason), the top-rated reply doubled

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Civil War History Defended Againts Haters

Shelby Foote’s Civil War History Defends America Againts Insatiable Haters Like Ta-Nehisi Coats Enough with the trendy historical revisionism. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was right: the Civil War came about because compromise failed. By John Daniel Davidson NOVEMBER 2, 2017 White House chief of staff John Kelly’s interview Monday night with Laura Ingraham, in which he expressed the mundane and historically straightforward view that “the lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War,” has produced a spasm of simple-minded and myopic commentary. Our intellectual class, unable to think about the war between North and

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Communism’s Bloody Century

In the 100 years since Lenin’s coup in Russia, the ideology devoted to abolishing markets and private property has left a long, murderous trail of destruction A statue of Vladimir Lenin in Grutas Park, Lithuania. PHOTO: ZUMA PRESS By Stephen Kotkin Updated Nov. 3, 2017 12:51 p.m. ET A century ago this week, communism took over the Russian empire, the world’s largest state at the time. Leftist movements of various sorts had been common in European politics long before the revolution of Oct. 25, 1917 (which became Nov. 7 in the reformed Russian calendar), but Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were different. They

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Guilt Trip Lets Sharia Law Destroy Our Civilization

Great American Guilt Trip Allows Sharia Law Supremacists to Destroy Our Civilization from Within Rush Limbaugh , Wednesday – November 01, 2017, transcript. Let me pose a thought, folks, I mean just a think piece here to illustrate a point. What if the neo-Nazis and the white supremacists reorganized themselves and called themselves a religion? What would the left’s reaction to them be? ‘Cause isn’t that how these jihadists get away with it as far as the left’s concerned? “Well, it’s a religion of peace. These people really are not –” Every incident like this and the result and the

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Undermining America

Walter E. Williams | Posted: Oct 25, 2017 12:01 AM   Our nation’s leftist progressives have long sought to undermine the American values expressed in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Though typical Democrats and Republicans do not have this leftist hate for our nation, they have been willing accomplices in undermining the most basic value the Founding Fathers sought to promote — limited government. Leftists have had their greatest successes in undermining American values on the nation’s college campuses. Derelict and dishonest college administrators, professors and boards of trustees have given them carte blanche. Let’s look at some of

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What’s wrong with your child’s school

Between 1980 and 2014 the number of public school students increased by 22.6%. Over the same period, total staff headcount increased by 50.1%, led by an 88.1% increase in school district administrative staff and followed by a 54.1% increase in instructional staff, which included a 63.1% increase in school principals and assistant principals. Find out what the numbers are in your school district. Then ask yourself: What are all those administrators actually doing? Why? Posted by Terry Kirkpatrick at 11:00 AM 

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EXCLUSIVE: US left wing groups travelled to Germany for the G20 Summit last July to meet with Al qaeda and ISIS leaders and plot the destruction of President Trump, secret FBI investigation reveals Bestselling author Edward Klein is set to release his latest book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump Klein makes the shocking revelation that an FBI investigation discovered collusion between American anarchists and ISIS and Al-Qaeda  ‘This is the greatest challenge to law enforcement since the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party,’ the FBI report declared It reveals the FBI sent a task force to Germany

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TENSELTOWN TRAVELOGUE BY PATRICK COURRIELCHE WITH ADRYANA CORTEZ   Tinseltown Travelogue is a three-part series exploring Hollywood’s stunning hypocrisy and institutionalized bigotry. This story, months in the making, comes on the heels of the explosive New York Times exposé of alleged sexual misconduct over decades by Tinseltown’s most celebrated producer, Harvey Weinstein, and further unmasks an industry in the midst of an ethical unraveling. Instead of confronting Hollywood’s biggest “open secret” of systemic moral decay, Tinseltown’s elite have chosen to exhibit disdain for everyday Americans through brutal mockery and relentless attacks on their beliefs. Wrapped in scandal and historic box office lows,

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Reading, writing and radicalism

“These young people now have been taught to look around them to see defects in America – which is the freest country in the history of the world – and to feel that somehow America is the source of all evil in the universe, and it’s because they’ve never been exposed to the actual evil of the history of humanity. They know nothing!” ~ Camille Paglia   The Left’s long march through our institutions is now complete. The evidence: The Left is now turning on itself and eating its young. The far left, under the banner of Black Lives Matter, is protesting

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400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth

  ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP/Getty Images by JAMES DELINGPOLE24 Oct 2017340 When I reported earlier this year on the 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that say global warming is a myth the greenies’ heads exploded. Since then, that figure has risen to 400 scientific papers. Can you imagine the misery and consternation and horror this is going to cause in the corrupt, rancid, rent-seeking world of the Climate Industrial Complex? I can. It will look something like this. Just to be clear, so the greenies can’t bleat about being misrepresented, here is what these various papers say: Modern temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather events are neither unusual

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Who Pays What In Taxes

Walter Williams – October 18,  2017 Politicians exploit public ignorance. Few areas of public ignorance provide as many opportunities for political demagoguery as taxation. Today some politicians argue that the rich must pay their fair share and label the proposed changes in tax law as tax cuts for the rich. Let’s look at who pays what, with an eye toward attempting to answer this question: Are the rich paying their fair share? According to the latest IRS data, the payment of income taxes is as follows. The top 1 percent of income earners, those having an adjusted annual gross income

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Psychopathic Killers And The Party Of Victims And Grievance

Thoughts from an Anonymous Expert on Psychopathic Killers Oct 2, 2017  RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have received the thoughts of a professional who asks to remain anonymous, a professional in analyzing the personalities, mind-set and so forth of people like our shooter here in Las Vegas. And I just want to share with you his thoughts. He’s requested anonymity, and I’m happy to offer it and provide it. You might have heard of him. He’s a writer. But he has researched this for his work. And basically he thinks that an element of this, not the explanation total

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Our Broken Moral Compasses

Walter E. Williams – October 11, 2017 As George Orwell said, “some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” Many stupid ideas originate with academics on college campuses. If they remained there and didn’t infect the rest of society, they might be a source of entertainment, much in the way a circus is. Let’s look at a few stupid ideas peddled by intellectuals. During the Cold War, academic leftists made a moral equivalency between communist totalitarianism and democracy. Worse is the fact that they exempted communist leaders from the type of harsh criticism directed toward Adolf Hitler, even

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How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

by DINESH D’SOUZA July 18, 2016 4:00 AM @DINESHDSOUZA It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is excerpted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani,

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The American Dream Ended November 6, 2012

  Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he said America will not come back.  He wrote: ** “The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012.  The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind. ** A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members,

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The Welfare State’s Legacy

Walter E. Williams | Posted: Sep 20, 2017 12:01 AM That the problems of today’s black Americans are a result of a legacy of slavery, racial discrimination and poverty has achieved an axiomatic status, thought to be self-evident and beyond question. This is what academics and the civil rights establishment have taught. But as with so much of what’s claimed by leftists, there is little evidence to support it. The No. 1 problem among blacks is the effects stemming from a very weak family structure. Children from fatherless homes are likelier to drop out of high school, die by suicide,

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The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump

by Rich Noyes and Mike Ciandella | September 12, 2017 7:51 AM EDT The broadcast network evening newscasts remain as hostile as ever towards President Trump and his agenda, although the networks appear to be easing up on their obsessive wall-to-wall coverage of the administration. Since Inauguration Day (January 20), Media Research Center analysts have reviewed every mention of President Trump and top administration officials on ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, including weekends. As of August 31, coverage of the administration has totaled nearly 74 hours (4,418 minutes) of airtime, or about 39 percent of all evening news coverage. For comparison

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Fake News – 97% 0f Scientists Agree Global Waming Caused By Humans

The 97 Percent Solution (Richard Nelson) October 8, 2015 Unable to address Texas senator Ted Cruz’s questions about “the Pause” — the apparent global-warming standstill, now almost 19 years long — at Tuesday’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Sierra Club president Aaron Mair, after an uncomfortable pause of his own, appealed to authority: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists concur and agree that there is global warming and anthropogenic impact,” he stated multiple times. The myth of an almost-unanimous climate-change consensus is pervasive. Last May, the White House tweeted: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made

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14 Things the MSM Won’t Tell You About DACA

  The Associated Press by JOHN NOLTE5 Sep 20172,399 Whenever a Republican wants to move forward — you know, pass some legislation or even enforce the law as already written, they always, always, ALWAYS have to run through a mainstream media propaganda gauntlet dedicated to the status quo, loyal only to the Democrat cause and by extension opposed to anything resembling progress. Obamacare is an objective disaster; nonetheless, the media fights tooth and nail to save it. Our tax code is a backwards, prosperity-stifling haven for corporatist special interests; nonetheless, the media will do everything in its power to ensure not a

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One Hell Of A Letter

by George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired) Interesting Google Search on His Namehttp://www.truthorfiction.com /george-roof-presidents-ive- known/ Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat clusterflock was all about. I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that

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3 Reasons Trump’s Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Awesome

  The Associated Press by JOHN NOLTE28 Aug 20173,444 Biases up front. I’m no fan of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The publicity-seeking, the grandstanding — that’s never a good look for a lawman. And the following might result in the revocation of my Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Platinum Card, but I did not approve of his treatment of prisoners. The tent cities. The pink underwear. The piping in of classical and patriotic music. I am all in favor of locking up constitutionally convicted bad guys, most especially violent bad guys. But once we got someone, it is our responsibility to be as humane

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Anarchy in Berkeley

Anarchy in Berkeley: A hundred black-clad antifascists with ‘no hate’ signs storm rally, pepper spray leader of conservative Patriot Prayer group and clash with cops Ten have been arrested after skirmishes on Sunday between competing rallies in Berkeley, California Thousands of protesters joined a left-wing ‘Rally Against Hate’ march in the college town They descended on a handful of pro-Trump protesters at ‘No To Marxism’ rally that had been called off  Over 100 black-clad masked antifa broke through police lines waving anarchist flags, assaulting several By Keith Griffith For Dailymail.com and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 20:20 EDT, 27 August 2017 | UPDATED: 03:26 EDT, 28 August 2017 Violence

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Global Warming Is Almost Entirely Natural, Study Confirms

AP Photo/Heribert Proepper by JAMES DELINGPOLE22 Aug 20172,164 Most global warming is natural and even if there had been no Industrial Revolution current global temperatures would be almost exactly the same as they are now, a study has found. The paper, by Australian scientists John Abbot and Jennifer Marohasy, published in GeoResJ uses the latest big data technique to analyse six 2,000 year-long proxy temperature series from different geographic regions. “Proxies” are the markers scientists use – tree rings, sediments, pollen, etc – to try assess global temperature trends in the days before the existence of thermometers. All the evidence suggests that

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America Is Under Attack from Within

Aug 18, 2017, Rush Limbaugh transcript. RUSH: America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from

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George Soros Is Dangerous

  Phantom says: this information has not been verified.   It is extremely important that Americans (especially young Americans) learn about George Soros and his “Open Society Foundations,“ that claim to “work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose government are accountable to their citizens.” [Click Here] for a link to a short video sales pitch for their foundations. [Click Here] to examine their web site. Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous Human Events | Saturday Apr 2, 2011 3:01 A Human Events’ readers, in an online poll, recently votedbillionaire financier George Soros “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.”  Here are the Top

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What Trump Got Right About Charlottesville

Was the apoplectic media watching the same press conference? By SCOTT MCCONNELL • August 17, 2017 The allegation that  the mainstream media disseminates  “fake news” about the Trump administration often can seem overwrought, even a kind of caricature. Yet the nearly universal media response to President Trump’s news conference at which he addressed the Charlottesville violence can only reinforce it. One day this response may make a rich subject for future historians analyzing it as earlier historians probed witch-burnings, pogroms, and other outbreaks of mass hysteria. They likely will focus on the spectacle of sophisticated, experienced, well credentialed people—Chuck Todd,

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Obama Program Made $729 Million in Erroneous Payments to Doctors

Stimulus program to incentivize using electronic health records ‘vulnerable to abuse’ Getty Images BY: Elizabeth Harrington June 12, 2017 12:03 pm An Obama administration program to encourage the use of electronic health records made over $729 million in erroneous payments, according to a new audit. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services also paid dead doctors for enrolling in its program, the audit, released by the agency’s inspector general Monday, revealed. “From May 2011 through June 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services paid an estimated $729 million in Medicare electronic health record incentive payments to eligible professionals who did not comply

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Here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing

By Allen West10:11pm  August 13, 2017 This past weekend I was honored to be in a most picturesque place with some great and hospitable folks in Prescott (Yavapai County) Arizona. I was there to address the Republican Women of Prescott, the nation’s largest Republican women’s club, on their 75th anniversary. The scenery there was just breathtaking and there was just a sense of solemnness that we all need experience from time to time. How great a contrast it was from what was happening across the country in Charlottesville, Virginia. Let me begin by saying, I deplore any form of supremacist view

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