Posts Tagged Biden

The line between good and evil is not fine

January 25, 2025 By Patricia McCarthy “Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.”  —Ronald Reagan For those of us who grew up not giving much credibility to evil, the last nine years have been a serious wake-up call. From the moment Donald Trump came down that escalator in June 2015, the left went to work to destroy the man. Why? The most obvious reason was that he was an outsider to the uniparty establishment.  He had rebuilt the skyline of New York and was friends with, donors to, a long list of Democrats and Republicans, Americans of every color and creed, from

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This Country Was Not Founded by 65-Year-Old Bureaucrats’

Exclusive—Sen. Tim Sheehy Ushers in Bold New Era of MAGA Leadership: ‘This Country Was Not Founded by 65-Year-Old Bureaucrats 17 Jan 20255,344 The United States “was not founded by 65-year-old bureaucrats” but by patriotic young risk takers, Sen. Tim Sheehy (R-MT) explained in a Friday interview on The Alex Marlow Show with Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow. Marlow opined that officials in President Joe Biden’s administration like Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had “no leadership qualities.” He questioned why the Democrats support these establishment politicians and get “offended” when Republicans support “natural leaders” who are

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Biden destroyed the Democrat party

January 7, 2025 By M.B. Mathews Not that I shall mourn the overdue demise of the Democrat party, but the way it is constituted right now, it cannot disappear a moment too soon. Wise Democrats will avoid the presently-constituted Party like the plague. The Democrat party under Joe Biden is dead and JoeCo. killed it. (JoeCo. = the people who have been running Joe’s presidency from day one. HINT: It’s not Joe Biden.) Whoever has been jerking Joe’s strings lo these long, tedious, last four years has managed to do more damage to America than our enemies outside our borders, the

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Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs

Exclusive — ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs 1,747 BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images MATTHEW BOYLE 26 Jan 2024Washington, DC9,953 33:59 A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned. But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy

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History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia to Steal America

  Once again we are republishing this analysis by John L Kachelman, Jr. We first published this piece back in October 2020 before the presidential election. 2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago! Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes The scheduled voting was extended by

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Two Years Ago Today Joe Biden Was Inaugurated President, Here Are the Results

By Jim Hoft Published January 21, 2023 at 8:00am Elections Have Consequences, Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences. – Steve Bannon The Biden inauguration – No one came Two years ago today the coup was completed. Joe Biden was inaugurated President of the United States. And the era of prosperity and peace officially ended. Oh, what a difference a stolen election makes. Here are Joe Biden’s results after two years in office: ** Record crime on our streets. There were over one million stolen cars in 2022 alone. ** Inflation was out of control at a 40-year high in 2022. ** Open borders –

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Merriam-Webster Word of the Year: ‘Gaslighting’

 ‘Gaslighting’ 17 Drew Angerer / Getty JOEL B. POLLAK 28 Nov 202253 2:27 The Merriam-Webster dictionary has declared “gaslighting” to be the word of the year for 2022, as searches for the term skyrocketed — though there was no specific incident or usage of the word to spark the sudden interest. The term refers to the practice of intentionally deceiving someone by telling them that the state of the world is not what they perceive it to be. The term is used often in online political debates to accuse opponents of lying. But “gaslighting” goes beyond lying. To carry out

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Imagine The Unimaginable

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Anton Novoderezhkin/SPUTNIK/AFP/Getty Images/TNS May 12, 202210:25 AM ET Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable. Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power. In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war. A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power. After

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The 1776 Report demonstrates a more sophisticated grasp of history than that of its critics.

What is a nation? The no-sooner-established-by-President-Trump-than-abolished-by-Presidient-Biden “President’s Advisory 1776 Commission” understandably by-passed this question in its initial report. The report deals with a particular nation—our own—and had enough to do without entering the deeper thicket. But what is a nation?  In his 1983 book, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, the political scientist and historian Benedict Anderson proposed what has become the most popular answer among social scientists. A “nation,” in Anderson’s view, is a kind of myth. People imagine a community, larger than any actual community, and imagine themselves part of it.  This doesn’t happen by accident, says Anderson.

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Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted

REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election By Joe HoftPublished December 20, 2020 at 7:30am The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history. Bill Binney, of US Intel fame tweeted out a message yesterday noting that more people voted in the 2020 election nation-wide than were eligible to vote. What Binney points out is that according to the Washington Post, 2020 had the highest voter turnout in over a century: Of course this on its face value implies fraud since no one was

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Trump’s Speech – Voter Fraud

December 3, 2020 Trump gave ‘the most important speech’ of his life By Andrea Widburg President Trump appeared before the American people on Wednesday to give what he described as “the most important speech I’ve ever made.”  Cleverly,  he’d already ensured a large audience by teasing in the past few days that he might be giving up.  Leftists tuned in to see him resign; his supporters tuned in praying that he wouldn’t.  His supporters left happy, for Trump, twice using charts, detailed just some of the massive election fraud and promised to keep fighting: The president explained that our once sacred “Election Day” has turned

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Our Bankrupt Nomenklatura

nomenklatura – (in the former Soviet Union) a list of influential posts in government and industry to be filled by Communist Party appointees. To reserve important appointments for Party members. Take all the signature brand names that the Baby Boomers inherited from prior generations—Harvard, Yale, the New York Times, NPR, CNN, the Oscars, the NFL, the NBA, the FBI, the CIA, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, and a host of others. And then ask whether they enhanced or diminished such inheritances? Victor Davis Hanson – October 27th, 2019 Donald Trump is now in the midst of another coup frenzy that has the Left

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