By Eric Utter I have been quite blunt in my writings here over the past five years or so — about the state of the nation, the West in general, the nature of the mainstream media, Democrats, and the hoaxes that the latter two have foisted on us. I have repeatedly noted how Democrats lie, gaslight, and project (their favorite tactic.) But I now have to say something some will consider patently extreme, and others may judge to be simple hyperbole: the Democrat party is the biggest threat to the planet — on the planet — today. Allow me to explain.
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December 29, 2020 By Rabbi Aryeh Spero This past year has been exceedingly difficult for many whose relatives and acquaintances unexpectedly passed away or became ill due to the worldwide COVID-19 plague. Many “progressive” governors have in strongarm fashion exploited the situation for political power purposes, callously subduing our population. We watched as our cities and innocent people were violently attacked by Antifa and BLM, all the while being excused, justified, and even exalted by the media and opinion shapers. American history, indeed Americanism itself, was maligned, the statues of our founding heroes toppled. It became fashionable to call for defunding
Read more ... →by E. DONALD ELLIOTT December 6, 2019, 12:12 AM “Gulliver bound down by the Democratic Lilliputians,” Judge Magazine, c. 1890–95 Our country could survive an impeachment trial of Donald Trump. We’d be wounded and I hope that calamity can be avoided, but we’d survive. The more momentous issue in the current impeachment kerfuffle is how and to what extent the administrative state can bind the president. A quiet revolution, so far bloodless, is underway to redefine “the rule of law” to give unelected officials in the administrative state control over the president. Confucius, the only philosopher I know who was also prime minister
Read more ... →following is a speech delivered Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight!!! This is a civil war.There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C. But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens
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