February 6, 2025 By J.A. Frascino How does a political party that proclaims there are innumerable genders, that can’t define woman, that declares race is a social construct, that says white supremacy is our greatest problem, that thinks child rearing is the purview of the state and not parents, that triggers inflation, that embraces illegal immigration, that politicizes the legal system, that defunds the police and coddles criminal behavior, that debases merit, garner the support of 48% of voters in a presidential election? Attraction to such an agenda clearly defies reason, logic, and even natural law. What factors could be
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Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger For more than a decade, the media, Democrats, and Hollywood have told us that Western civilization in general and the United States in particular are white supremacist, genocidal, and unsustainable. The founding of America occurred not in 1776 but rather in 1619 with the beginning of slavery, whose effects are felt more strongly than ever. The original colonies and the expansion of the Western frontier depended on the extermination of indigenous people and theft of their lands. And our crimes against nature have resulted in apocalyptic climate change, which requires radical changes to the way we live
Read more ... →The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the past 60 years, the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point
Read more ... →The Difficult Way Forward By Tom Mayer It used to be said that America was fortunate in that its politics were played between the 40-yard lines: that we agreed on the most important things and argued over the details within a small range of policies. That hasn’t been true for many years, the playing field being stretched as far as it can go. But the problem now is not that the playing field has expanded, the game itself has changed. The object of the game as well as the rules, are practiced very differently by the two sides. Republicans are still
Read more ... →By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON October 16, 2018 6:30 AM Protesters gather in front of the doors of the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in, October 6, 2018. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) In the wake of Obama, the Democratic party was a shipwreck, to be saved only by Hillary and the Supreme Court . . .What has transformed the Democratic party into an anguished progressive movement that incorporates the tactics of the street, embraces maenadism, reverts to Sixties carnival barking, and is radicalized by a new young socialist movement? Even party chairman Tom Perez concedes that there are “no moderate Democrats left,”
Read more ... →August 31, 2018 By Jake Hoffman From the wee hours of the morning on November 9, 2016, as they grappled with the sting of President-Elect Donald Trump triumphing over the anointed Queen of the Swamp, Democrats have been radicalizing by the minute. Objective Americans have witnessed the transformation of JFK-style classical liberals into Marxist protégés even the namesake himself would be proud to call his pupils, not to mention the hostile takeover of the Democratic Party by the “three home-owning multi-millionaire,” Bernie Sanders, and “I’m not an expert on American-Israeli policy, but let me comment on it anyway” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Democratic Party is soon
Read more ... →A Feb. 22, 2018 transcript from the Rush Limbaug radio show discusssing Democrate involvement in the Government shut-down. It is edited and condensed by the Phantom. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————– RADICALIZED DEMOCRATES ARE HELL-BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA as FOUNDED RUSH: Still trying to figure out exactly what happened to cause the vote. It was 81-18 in the Senate. —————————————— This is not about the government shutdowns per se, and it’s more than the Democrats just executing a page from their playbook. You know, “Shut down the government! Shore up support from the middle class, the lower middle class. The little guy
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