February 6, 2025 By Andrea Widburg If Elon Musk—who has been an advocate for free speech and small government—has an evil twin, that evil twin is George Soros. Soros, as conservatives know, has spent his billions funding organizations dedicated to leftist causes. One of the causes with the greatest impact has been funding “Soros prosecutors”—hard-left lawyers who refuse to prosecute criminals but enthusiastically prosecuted Trump and other conservatives. It now appears that some large amounts of the money the Soros organizations used to get these prosecutors in office came from USAID. The story begins with the Tides Foundation and the Tides
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EXCLUSIVE: The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Discovered and Defined Inbox By Guest Contributor May. 3, 2024 This post was originally reported at JoeHoft.com – we are republishing it here with permission. There is a battle taking place in America today. It’s the Left’s Election Industrial Complex versus fair and transparent US elections. While conservatives argue over whether we should vote early or on Election Day, the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting, and managing entities that are clandestinely operating behind US elections. A document produced by Higher Ground Labs entitled the – 2022 Political Tech Landscape Report – outlines what we have labeled the Election Industrial
Read more ... →By Charlie Daniels | September 18, 2018 | 2:49 PM EDT Charlie Daniels If this piece is going to have any impact, it cannot be viewed through partisan eyes – conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Preconceived political prejudice and implacable attitudes must be cast aside. For the moment, we must view the political system, as just that, a political system without the personalities and policies we loath or the blind loyalty we show for one side and the blind hatred that we feel for the other. What I will attempt to say in the next few paragraphs are the very deep
Read more ... →Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war. The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done
Read more ... →following is a speech delivered Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight!!! This is a civil war.There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C. But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens
Read more ... →By Charles Krauthammer I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA). OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed
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