Posts Tagged Slavery

President Trump’s idea of replacing the income tax with tariffs is sound and a great advancement in the restoration of freedom

February 24, 2025 Paul Craig Roberts Prior to 1913 the US government was financed by tariffs.  It was under tariffs, not free trade, that the United States industrialized and became a manufacturing nation.  Indeed, the Union invaded and destroyed the Confederacy in order to impose the Morrill Tariff on the South that enabled the North to industrialize.  The North could not compete with British industry and required the protection of a tariff. It is extraordinary to me that it has gone unremarked for 112 years that the income tax, which required a constitutional amendment, resurrected slavery.  In actuality, white people voted to impose slavery

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by Thomas Sowell      During the 15 years that I spent researching and writing my recently completed trilogy on racial and cultural issues,2 I was struck again and again with how common huge disparities in income and wealth have been for centuries, in countries around the world– and yet how each country regards its own particular disparities as unusual, if not unique.  Some of these disparities have been among racial or ethnic groups, some among nations, and some among regions, continents, or whole civilizations. In the nineteenth century, real per capita income in the Balkans was about one-third that in Britain. 

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America Wasn’t Founded on Slavery in 1619 — but on Pilgrims’ Ideals Written in 1620

Peter Wood Article November 17, 2020 1620 Project Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The New York Post on November 7, 2020 and is crossposted here with permission. In August 1619, a pirate ship, the White Lion, stopped at Jamestown and traded 20-some captive Africans for food. The Africans were treated as indentured servants and soon released. Fifteen months later, in November 1620, an English ship blown off course on its way to Virginia ended up off the barren coast of Massachusetts. It landed more than 100 men, women and children. Those voyagers founded Plymouth Colony. Which event mattered more? Last

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The 1776 Report demonstrates a more sophisticated grasp of history than that of its critics.

What is a nation? The no-sooner-established-by-President-Trump-than-abolished-by-Presidient-Biden “President’s Advisory 1776 Commission” understandably by-passed this question in its initial report. The report deals with a particular nation—our own—and had enough to do without entering the deeper thicket. But what is a nation?  In his 1983 book, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, the political scientist and historian Benedict Anderson proposed what has become the most popular answer among social scientists. A “nation,” in Anderson’s view, is a kind of myth. People imagine a community, larger than any actual community, and imagine themselves part of it.  This doesn’t happen by accident, says Anderson.

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Undermining America

Walter E. Williams | Posted: Oct 25, 2017 12:01 AM   Our nation’s leftist progressives have long sought to undermine the American values expressed in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Though typical Democrats and Republicans do not have this leftist hate for our nation, they have been willing accomplices in undermining the most basic value the Founding Fathers sought to promote — limited government. Leftists have had their greatest successes in undermining American values on the nation’s college campuses. Derelict and dishonest college administrators, professors and boards of trustees have given them carte blanche. Let’s look at some of

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